Does anyone have any tips or revision ideas of how to study for the driving theory when your dyslexia?
Driving licence: Does anyone have any... - The Dyslexia Comm...
Driving licence
Do a little bit of work each day. Don't try to learn it in big long bursts of time. Consistent short bursts of concentration works best. Break it down to chunks of time. Some people can only manage a few minutes of deep concentration and then they need a break. My son can literally only do 5 minutes and then he start sto fidget and lose the will to live! (he's 20 btw), so he does 5 minute chunks of work a few times a day.
Do whatever you need to do to relax and make you receptive. Some people have music playing in the background, which helps them relax and learn more easily.
Try not to memorise things like rote learning the times tables for example. Focus on understanding what the rule or sign means, why is it a rule? Why does that sign actually exist? It's only when you really understand it that you learn it. You won't be relying on your memeory at all. The answers will just be obvious.
Remember that the exam is multiple-choice, so don't worry about memorising spellings.
Finally, actually do the studying, it sounds silly but so many people leave it till the last minute and then they are not ready, start panicking and could end up failing the test.
I hope this helps and is not too obvious.
Good luck.
Let us know how you get on.
I agree with everything Giosang said. A few additional things to try:
- have someone read the study guide to you or have someone turn it into an audio book (read it out loud and record it) so you can listen to it multiple times.
- take the practice test online or on paper (if available in your state/country).
- after taking the practice test, if you don't think you'll do well solely because of your learning disability (you're having trouble getting the correct answers because of words on the screen or paper, and not because you didn't study), then many states/countries have alternatives for folks with learning disabilities such as being able to take the test verbally instead. It may be hard to find this option because it's not well known. And you might be required to have documentation to prove your learning disability.
Good luck!!!