Wish to join her
Mom died today : Wish to join her - Different Strokes
Mom died today
So sorry to hear of your loss.
It will take a while but you will learn to live with your wonderful memories.
I wont lie and say it gets easier, my mum died 43 years ago and i still miss her everyday, but you learn to live well.
So, be kind to yourself and cope with each day as they come.
Take care
Janet x
I'm so sorry for your loss x
Time is a great healer and you find after a while you only remember the good things.
My mum died when I was 14 and that was 50 years ago. You never forget and if she could have stayed she would have.
The influence they have on your early life is there forever.
Take care of yourself x
So sad, so sorry. Moms are very special I am sorry for the hole now in your heart and hope that your sorrow will soon decrease for you. She knew you loved her, now she will be with you looking out for you wanting you to live on 🙏🏻
I'm so sorry for your loss, anyone who has lost a mother will know exactly how you feel. I lost my own mother when I was 17, over 40 years ago, people will tell you that time is a great healer, but it isn't, you just learn to cope with the loss better. Although this sounds really negative it isn't, you will feel better, you will get on with your life, your love will still continue.
Take strength from your family and friends, they are all there for you, don't be afraid to feel how you feel - there is no right way to feel or grieve, only what's right for you.
Don't judge anyone else who is suffering the loss for showing or not showing their feelings, they are just doing what is right for them at this time.
Things and feelings will change for the better over time, go at your own pace, and you will get through this awful time.
Take care of yourself - find your Strength through Love.
Thank u all for replying me I feel such a heavy pressure on my chest the safest part that is that she saved whole her life to buy a home for us and just 3 days before she shift to her home she hospitalised due to stroke that’s wat make me burn from inside she fought so much to survive now that I’m in her new home I can’t tolerate to stay here c her stuff her clothes how she packed everything in hope to settle in her home now she is under ground prayed so much for a miracle but none happened
Now just want to do anything that is bad for health do risky things to die sooner if there is an afterlife want too join her and if there is nothing atleast I won’t feel this pain anymore
Mom nothing can take ur place in my heart and life
Dear solmaznilooei,
When looking for advice on dealing with grief, you'll likely find a myriad of ideas, some more helpful than others. That's because everyone grieves differently. What works for one person may not work for someone else. But, there are some basic guidelines that have proved practical for many. They are frequently cited by grief counselors, and they echo timeless principles found in an ancient book of wisdom, the Bible....
You've suffered a great loss. Please accept our sincere condolences.
Your mother wants that you to keep on going and proceed with what she has started. That is what all parents want, they want that we take their spirit and build on it and refine it and move it even further. That is what would make your mother proud. Mothers are proud if they feel that their kids have learned something from them and if that what they have taught endures beyond their days. One day you might build another house, use the house as a gift from your mother to have a base for moving on.
You feel awful right now but believe me your mum would want you to go on and have children of your own to love as much as she loved you. She would want you to be happy and achieve everything she ever wanted for you. The pain fades and believe it not you'll have happy memories to pass on to her grandchildren. You'll be happy again but it takes time, be good to yourself and live your life for the both of you. x
So sorry you lost your Mom . I hope you are feeling better now that some time has passed. I hope you have been able to grieve and have some emotional support, hugs, Cindy