Do E-Cigs Raise the Risk of a Stroke? | This Morning
GIVE UP CIGARETTES.: Do E-Cigs Raise the... - Different Strokes

Hi. Anything that suppresses your body's normal functions can lead to changes in current and future health (condition)
Positive things like good diet and exercise promote health.
If E cigarettes only contain water then they are harmless. Any additives (even flavouring) should be considered harmful, if we smell blueberries we don't inhale the aromas into our lungs.
it doesn't take too long to just stop smoking and forget you ever smoked, definitely the case if you have sustained any brain injury.
as a last ditch at convincing you. Try breathing fresh air and or coughing.
is there anymore risk from our polluted air in the city , or from e cigs. They suggest e-cigs are at least 95% more safer than cigs,which i used to do,but gave up after my first stroke.two and a half years ago..feel much better for it..
not sure if you are choking, I mean joking. the environment is full of radiation let alone pollution from the rest of the worlds industries. If you have nicotine cravings, and you haven't smoked recently you will not enjoy the experience of becoming "light headed". Find another topic of discussion that you can really get your teeth into.
I wish I felt better or the benefits of not smoking.
There's a feeling that you may remember when you don't have cigarettes (while addicted) a panic and obsession with a sense of overwhelming importance.
that is drugs. Full stop.
waste of time and money.
tea, coffee and chocolate are as bad as each other.
Try to exercise your mind and body.
Forgot to mention have given up nicotene for over a year..
it's always difficult to stop doing something that has been done repeatedly for a long period of time.
I signed up to join a gym class "active for life" I can't stand the environment, music, lights, people huffing and puffing. I don't like walking through the streets to get there or back. But it has given me an activity which is becoming a habit, and I can walk for an hour. I could walk for an hour every day.
I can walk.