who do i contact regarding HHD re-imberse... - Dialysis Support
who do i contact regarding HHD re-imbersement of electricity costs?

In the first instance you would speak to your Home Therapies nurse, who should be able to help. What part of the country are you in?
I live in Northamptonshire which comes under the Leicester Health Authority and our reimbursements are handled through Leicester General Hospital. Your homecare team nurse should be able to provide you with the appropriate contact for your area. Depending on what type of machine you have, they will have established a fixed kWh usage per month or quarter based on your dialysis schedule and should reimburse you according to the unit cost charged by your electricity supplier.
The person who deals with the actual payment will be one of the managers or finance officers. Although we did find out the correct person to write to via the home heamo nurse.
You will need to provide a copy of your quarterly bill, and once payment is set up it should go be debited into your account. Although we FREQUENTLY have to chase it up, this is usually to do with staff re shuffles and they are not breifed as to what the payment is for.
Keep copies of correspondence etc and good luck

hi, thanks for the information JMan very helpful indeed.
Give the NKF helpline a call if you need any further assistance - your regional Advocacy Officer will be able to act on your behalf if you wish. The number is 0845 601 02 09 (calls charged at local rate) or you can email them on nkf@kidney.org.uk.
hi, thanks for the information ADVOCACY very helpful indeed.
What part of the Country do you live in SPARKY I may be able to tell you who deals with it in your area.
hi, thanks for your reply, however ADVOCACY told me who to contact the renal home therapies nurse who will give me the phone number of who to speak to. Thanks anyway.