my husband gfr is 9.6...and has been on dialysis...i am wondering if anyone has been that low and reverse it some by vegetarian diet or relieve some of the stuff he is going thru...
gfr is 9.6...does anyone have some remedi... - Dialysis Support
gfr is 9.6...does anyone have some remedies for raising it to relieve some of the dialysis problems..

Hello. I had a low GFR of about 7 but was able to raise this following a programme by Duncan Cappiciano (not sure if that's how you spell his surname). I also had acupuncture and currently seeing a Tibetan doctor. Sadly for me the improvement in GFR has stagnated mainly because I have not been able to stick to the alkaline diet Duncan suggests on a daily basis due to an emotional eating problem. The diet is hard to get in to at first but I love the food on it and its been an opportunity to experiment and get creative in the kitchen. There are supplements and teas he recommends also. There is no guarantee it will work but anything is worth a try. Following the diet did make me feel so much better living with kidney failure, less grotty and more energy. Hope this helps. I wish you both well.
i have seen duncan cappiciano on youtube....and i jotted down some of the info and i have looked at robert galarowicz on youtube....i have been talking to mike about an alkaline diet...and i just recently figgered out from my lab work that i was able to see that i have ckd stage 3b...noone told me...i self diagnosed...3 doctors and no one said a damn i have been on low potassium...low phorphrous way of milk...only aspirins (they do kill kidneys despite what we have been told)...i have no water retention...lots of longer fatigue...i no longer have incessant blood low....i have low blood cravings......i have lost 15 pds since the last time i looked..i feel so much better...but i have yet to see a kidney specialist though i have an appt...sept is all a long story...i have only been on this a month...i have been talking to my husband about it and he sees the difference this has made...i also have more mental clarity...and i am a nice person again but more determined not to get on dialysis if i can stall or reverse it somewhat so much the better...but i want to see if others have gone so low and come back up some...i want to help i appreciate you commenting...
Your husband should make an appointment to see the renal dietician at his unit. Vegetarian diets are normally not good for renal patients because they are high in potassium. GFR doesn't normally start going up again once it has got that low.
mike has seen a renal dietitian at his unit...but he is not compliant...but look at my comment above...sally...and we were in the hospital for a heart ablation just this week...they wanted to put him on a renal diet but mike has been told at his dialysis unit to eat lots of protein...but the nurse told him that his kidneys can't handle all that protein...we get this conflicting stuff all the was also what i have been telling him that all that protein...phosphorous and potassium is what put him in dialysis chair and will keep him there too...i appreciate you commenting...
ACE and ARB's (blood pressure/heart meds) and a water pill. Very little meat and no sodium/salt.