As anyone suffering back pain scen been on dailyilsis
Back: As anyone suffering back pain scen... - Dialysis Support
On and off yes, but if your on dialysis sitting still for 4 hours? Its wise to do some basic exercises between sessions.
My husband suffered back pain and neck pain after the unit changed the chairs. Sitting in one position for four hours is really hard and is a very unnatural thing to do. Also are you making sure that everything you need is within reach so you don't have to stretch. We found one of the old chairs in a training room so asked for that to be put out for us which they did. He also uses a bolster cushion and makes sure that the footrest is against his feet. It may be that yours is a medical problem but I know that quite a lot of people in the unit are uncomfortable at some point. You need to experiment with the chair to find out what is good for you. Hope this helps.
Get your pain checked thoroughly by a specialist .. see my posts below ( which I have not had any replies ) My husband suddenly had a bad back I had to call the emergency services , Total waste of time and a duty doctor came .. and made a wrong diagnoses , just told him to keep moving and take pain meds .. eventually I had to call 999 .. and they were just great ! but had to give him morphine to get him into the ambulance ! Turned out he had discitis a spinal infection , caused through his emergency cannula as his fistula was not working 100% yet ( he only started Dialysis in March 2015 ) He is still very ill today as they can't get rid of the infection in his spine ! Get any pain checked , better safe than sorry , as quick treatment is essential ..