What are you top tips on keeping to a... - Diabetes South Af...

Diabetes South Africa

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What are you top tips on keeping to a diabetes-friendly diet (and avoiding temptation...)

Jaarlsen profile image
2 Replies

It's one thing knowing what you should be eating and another sticking to it. Any tips? Thanks

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Jaarlsen profile image
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2 Replies
PixyT profile image

I know that feeling - I often hear chocolate calling me, and I was taught to be polite. So answer :).

The first rule for me: If it isn't in the cupboard you cannot eat it. I stopped buying junk, initially my family didn't really love me for it but they supported my choice. We still go out for ice cream and treats but I will opt for the sugar free option.

Another thing that helped me a lot was learning to cook with herbs and spices. I was raised in an Afrikaans household - if it didn't have cheese, cream and a ton of butter in it, it wasn't food. Now that Ive learned to cook with Thyme, Tarragon and Cumin to name but a few my food is healthy and tasty.

I think the biggest thing was to realise that I am human I am going to slip up.

DANEEL profile image

Ek is n diabeet sedert 1964 d.w s.49 jaar Ek probeer om so ver moontlik binne perke van my dieet te bly en is redelik gesond. Ek is 73 jaar oud en redelik aktief

Groete Daneel

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