What type of flour do you use that is low c... - Diabetes India
What type of flour do you use that is low carb. for blood sugar control? Multiple choice.
Please select all that apply:
I don't what to say. I take normal items that every middle class Indians take in day to day life. Like wheat, Rice , Ravva etc

I use Organic Emmer Wheat Flour
I eat steel cut oats. Because I may have otoliths in my ear, I cannot eat almond flour or other nuts. I have heard very good things about quinoa.
Thank you for the information about steel cut oats, NewtScamander . I didn't know that they help with otoliths and other ear issues.
Have you tried Quinoa as a rice substitute on the side or as the main part of a meal?
Steel cut oats seem to be a better choice than nut flours for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. I want to try quinoa but I have trouble cooking them, and don't know yet how to incorporate them in a daily diet.
Quinoa is a rice substitute and can also be used in baking different types of food. You can also add it as a topping for certain bread/desserts so that they are having more protein and less carb.. What is your favorite type of meal/food? You can see if it can be added to that.
I am Asian so we generally eat rice with vegetables and fish or meat. We don't eat much baked goods. I would like to eat quinoa but apparently it takes longer to cook and is more difficult to digest than rice, which is why I'm hesitating.
i eat the above - more of Chickpea flour
WE use grains, it is better then manmade flour, over cook grains and it gets very soft to eat. Making items from manmade flour is not good as grains cooked soft.
Take Whole wheat flour Chapati
I have even used amaranth flour and chestnut flour they all keep sugars in control
I generally do not eat chapatis etc. But whenever I feel like eating chapatis/Prantha I use Diabetic Atta of Patanjali. It is mix many cereals & whole wheat.
How much do you use of the flour for the cereals?😀👍