What Low Carb. Fruits do you eat/use the mo... - Diabetes India
What Low Carb. Fruits do you eat/use the most to control blood sugars? This is a multiple choice poll.

Avacado, Gooseberry
You have not included Guava. Further the availability ferry blueberry etc are rare in India
When creating a poll, we are only allowed 8 slots/choices so far. I have asked HU to please give more slots/spots for choices when Administrators/Members have suggestions for possible poll answers. When I find out what HU Support says about the polls and how many choices we can have, I will let you and everyone else know what the new total will be.
I like your suggestion about guava as a choice.😀👍🌈
You can remove plum and blueberry and replace the same with Guava and Mangoes so that you can restrict to 8

That’s great, barani19 . Do you add it to fruit salad or eat it on its own?😀👍🌈
There are other fruits which are indigenous to India such as Peru( Guava), papaya, appleber, jujube, strawberries, pears , jackfruit etc. which are seasonal and are used by us.

That sounds good! What do you have gherkin with for meals?😀