When and what exercises do you do regularly... - Diabetes India
When and what exercises do you do regularly for tighter blood sugar control? This is a multiple choice poll.
Please select all that apply:
I follow only walking excercise and use accupunture ball below foot for blood circulation.
Apart from medicines Walking 10000 steps (minimum) helps to control B S level
That’s great exercise. I walk around the house during my day and go up and down the steps. Keep up the good work with your exercising.😀👍🌈
Actually the walking showed very good results and my HbA1c showed improved and reduced from 7.9 to 7.5. However in January I had a angioplasty for a n blockage in one of the artery due to which my physical activity was considerably restricted. Thereafter due to complete lock down my physical activity remained restricted. Due to this my HbA1c gone up to 8.1 about 2 months back. Now I have resumed my walking and yoga and hope to improved my HbA1c.I plan for a test of HbA1c next month.
When you get the next A1c done next month, please let us know what the results turn out to be. I just got my A1c done on Monday this week, so my results should be (hopefully) given to me before September 14th so I can talk to my doctor that day and see if anything has improved. I'm hoping it has since I changed a lot of my diet after talking to him about it. The odd part is, the A1c always stays near the 9.something range.

I love Tai Chi but not able to do it because of age and strain on knee joints.It is aptly called 'Meditation in motion'.
Do you do chair Tai Chi? Some online/in person classes adapt to the participant's needs that take the class.
Thank you! I saw some videos and started practicing since yesterday.It was enjoyable and am hoping that it will cure my back ache.😊👍
I use elliptical trainer to keep blood sugar in control. My HbA1C normally varies from 5.8 to 6.2%.
I am doing morning and evening walk 6 times in a week. I am also doing yoga by seeing videos or reading book for half an hour every day
Because of lock down walking is the best form of exercise for me at my age of 73.
Yes Doctor told me for walking. I am a diabetic for last 32 years. Initially for about 16 years I was doing a Jog every morning for 30 to 60 minutes but thereafter I am doing brisk walk about 1 hour every day. Yoga was also suggested so may times but I started recently. Now I and doing morning and evening walks of 40 t 50 minutes each time and Yoga for 30 minutes.
My exercise is walking to the extent of 7500 to 8000 steps in a day. During the last five months, I am walking only in the house due to the pandemic scare
That's very good! I do the same in the house when it comes to walking. Do you have steps in the house?
No steps in the house but they are there outside the apartment from one floor to another. But as a precaution, I don't go out because of the pandemic. I walk only inside the apartment.
That's a very good thing to do! I have steps on 3 floors of the house and go up and down a few times a day between meals and other activities I do around here (I can't go back to my job until I know it's safe from the virus (Where I live, my County is the sickest in the State!)).
I am diabetic patient for the last 33 years and regularly walking on treadmill atleast 40 minutes daily at the sleed of 6.5 km per hour.

Results are revealing.👍
Walking in a Park and Garden with Nature and Green plants around is ideal if there is one near your house.
One should avoid walking by the side of a Road with vehicular traffic is not advisable due to pollution.
In that case it is better to have a Gym equipment at home..
Hi namaha ,
Yes, walking on the side walk is safer and less crowded for exercise. I don't like walking in the street due to the oncoming traffic and other people not looking where they go. When I had gone out before COVID, I had to stand still so no one would run into me if I was on the street trying to get to a side walk area near my house.
At home, I use hand weights, the steps in my house, stationary bike and the treadmill for some of my exercise during the day.
Walking , treadmill is cardio , which is required for all diabetes.
Apart from cardio, one need to do resistance training for muscle build up and yoga , Pranayam.. Kapalbhati, Bhastrika , Anulom vilom... Which are highly beneficial for immunity, stressfree life and overall health and to prevent complications.
I understand on what you are saying on pollution!
During lock down many people had problems in UK unable to get out of the house.
Only few people have back garden for relaxing.
In UK, many Asians walk every early or very late to avoid traffic fumes. Where I live, there are walking and cycling paths avoiding road traffic. I am lucky to get out of the house, avoid traffic and walk for one hours before breakfast.
I do not use any counting, short, medium and long walk.
When I go for blood check in October I will find out the changes.
Walking in parks is not good for many people because of what comes down from trees and allergy reaction during some months of the year.
10,000 steps, there is no scientific evidence, it was a marketing tool to make money. I saw few programmes in UK. What is necessary is to cut what goes into our mouth for healthy life.