How do you control your blood sugar? This... - Diabetes India
How do you control your blood sugar? This is a multiple choice poll.
Please give me your opinion
At old age I have to dependent on Insulin plus metformin plus diet.
When did you start the insulin with Metformin?
Activity 2004
I remember you said people taking insulin need not take metformin...
But thr Endochrinologist/ Diabetologist do recommend many people to take Metformin along with exogenous insulin...
Basically Metformin is an insulin sensitiser helps body to best use the available insulin ....

Hi namaha ,
This Is a great poll. Thank you for posting it.
I picked Diet + Exercise and Insulin since I do some walking around the house and I changed my diet to a low carb high protein and gluten free diet for blood sugars and gluten intolerance/sensitivity issues.
I am 73years old person. BSF normally remains 150-165 and PP 200. Pl give your opinion.
Please do clarify the benchmarks for blood sugar levels
Dear Sandeep
For benchmark, please see the extreme top of the screen.
On top of the curve, Hba1c is given in colour code and at bottom blood sugar level in mmol/L.
If you want to convert from mmol /L to mg/dl, multiply by 18...
Green is ok... the best ... Yellow is not so good... Red requires urgent action!
Daily checking of blood sugar is also important. I also believe that uncontrollable diabetes is the cause of all other ailments.
use janumet combination of metformin and stigaliptin and 45 minutes walk daily with free hand yoga
I am 72 years old & diabetic for last 20 years. I have also undergone angioplasty for in 2002. I am able to control my diabetes with diet control, walk & yoga and metformin. I take a Riomet 500 mg each in morning & evening.
👍Please keep it up Mr Surtal!
What kind of Diet you take ? Let Others will get benefitted with your experience ? 😊
How much walking you do and what kind of yoga you do?🙏
Thanks namaha, as desired I am giving below my diet:
I start my morning with Lemon juice, Aloevera juice , Amla juice & a spoon of honey in a glass of warm water followed by 2 more glasses of warm water.
After clearing my bowls I take a cup of tea laced with ginger & tulsi with a piece of rusk.
Breakfast:Papaya, Sprouted fenugreek & moong dal or boiled egg, overnight soaked Almond(7pcs. ) & a few pcs of shelled Walnuts.
After 1/2 an hour, I take a cup of tea with a piece of biscuit.
Lunch: Veg. Salad, dry vegetable & dal/veg curry & home made curd.
A cup of tea with roasted peanuts & namkeen in late afternoon.
Some fruits like melon/Guava/Apple depending upon the season.
Dinner: Dry veg. or paneer & dal or besan chila.
Generally I take a stuffed prantha on Sundays during lunch.
May eat out with friends once a week. Then all controls go for a toss.
Riomet 500 --- 1am & pm
Rosuvas5 --- 1 daily
Clopivas --- 1 daily
Concor 5 --- 1 daily
OlsarA 40--- 1 daily
My Hb1c varies between 5.9 to 6.5.
Go for brisk walk in morning or evening for 45 minutes for 6 days a week. Play golf for app. 2 hrs. in afternoon for 3 days a week. ( not played for last 3 months because of Crona).
Try walking for 15 minutes after every major meal inside my room/lobby.
I also do stretching excercises, yoga & Pranayam for app. 1 hr. in the morning for app. 4 days in a week.
Dear Surtal
I liked your yogic diet and lifestyle and you are able to control your blood sugar....
I had a couple of suggestions...
(1) you may please replace the biscuit / namkeen ( which you take with tea) with roasted makhana ...which is healthier than biscuit and namkeen which are factory made.
(2) you seem to be taking Rosuvastatin and Clopridogrel. Please consult your Doctor to check if you need it unless you have very abnormal lipid profile .
Clopridogrel and Aspirin are blood thinners and it is normally advised to people if they have a history of heart issues....or carry high risk of blood clotting.
(3) Concor 5 is a Beta blocker which lower your BP and also lowers the heart beats...
Why not you check with your doctor if you need it since you are already taking Olsar A40 which is to lower BP...
Good that you are taking only one diabetic medicine Metformin and able to control your blood sugar.....
....Minimise medications to the extent possible after consultation with your Doctor should be your goal...
Stay Safe... Stay Healthy...🙏
Dear Surtal
Further to my previous message, I confirm that your medications as prescribed by your Doctor appears ok in line with your case history.
I am sorry , by oversight I missed your case history which you had mentioned in your first message.🙏
Stay Safe Stay Healthy
Thanks dear Namah for your encouraging words.
I thought makhanas are high in carbs. I have sweet tooth. To avoid sugar craving I take one biscuit. My wife has started baking biscuits at home. She uses jaggery & butter instead of refined sugar & refined oil.
👍anything home made is ok....
On Makhana I had the same view.. But sometime back, after my Nutritionist advised, I did my own studies and started using.. It is puffed lotus flower seed. It is healthy low GI. 10-15 nos during tea for a change is ok.. it is not at all sweet. It does not raise blood sugar at all...
Chinese import from India to use as a Chinese medicine....

Summary of findings :
(1) Out of 48 participants as of today, 40 have voted that they are following Diet plus Exercise....which means 8 are not following..... Perhaps these 8 could be the people taking Insulin....or some aged people ......not able to do exercise...
(2) Out of these 48 , 32 are taking Metformin and 4 are taking Pioglitazone ....Both are Great insulin Sensitizers in their own Sphere....
Metformin in a recent Study posted by Mr Sangli indicated that Metformin gives some protection against covid19... Metformin has also shown some protection against respiratory tract infection.
(3) Out of these 48, 13 are taking Gliclazide, 11 taking a Gliptin, and 10 are taking Insulin... The first two are Insulin Secretagogues and the third one is Exogenous insulin ... Which means total 34 out of 48 seem to have some form of insulin deficiency....
(4) SGLT2 Inhibitor being taken by 3 people.... It is a newer class of drugs which acts on kidney so that blood sugar gets filtered through urine ..Request these people if they can share their experience ....
(5) Nobody seems to be taking GLP1 Receptor Agonist : Glucagon-Like- Peptide 1 agonist is the newest class of drug. It is supposed to be safest... It is an injectable like insulin but these are not actually insulin...meant fot type 2...once daily and once weekly is also available ... It is supposed to give heart protection, kidney protection, Beta cell protection. It reduces weight also for obese..but bit costly but affordable...
Very Recently ,USFDA has approved the oral tablet form of GLP1 Agonist ... Not yet available in India....though available in usa .....and people in USA are taking this ...
The injection form of GLP1 are :
Exenatide – taken once weekly.
Exenatide– taken twice daily.
lixisenatide– taken once daily.
Dulaglutide – taken once weekly.
Liraglutide– taken once daily.
The oral GLP1 form recently approved by USFDA is called Semaglutide!
Disclaimer : I am not a medical practitioner.. this information is given to you only for your information and education purpose ... please always consult your Medical practitioner for change or stoppage of any drugs...
Excellent work. Diet and exercise is the way forward. Man made blood test numbers and formula a think of the past.
Human body gives and indication when it needs help!!
True. But not always..In Some cases, by the time the human body gives you signal, the damage is already done. It is unfortunately so....
You never come to know when the kidney starts failing. Albuminurea in urine does not give any signal unless urine is tested in a lab for Microalbuminurea.
Chronic Albuminurea gradually leads to an end stage kidney failure .... And now the body gives is too late..... Irreversible damage is already done.... Either dialysis or transplant is the option now.....
But if the albumin is detected at an early stage by routine urine test... It can be completely cured/ reversed by drugs like an ARB such as Telmisartan......or any Sartan...
Same thing true with blood sugar ....silent killer if you don't monitor your blood sugar. ...body will not give you signal.... When it gives.....only after one or more of your body organs gets damaged irreversibly is too late......
But if you monitor and control your blood sugar proactively , a diabetic person can live his full is based on data.
That is the reason why Routine tests / Annual check ups of human body has become a norm as it helps in early detection of any progressive illness and action at an early stage...