Which of these concern you? This is a mult... - Diabetes India

Diabetes India

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Which of these concern you? This is a multiple choice poll, so please choose all relevant ones and say what other is.

58 Voters

Please select all that apply:

13 Replies
Rakesh profile image

Yes all of these are a cause of concern. Major of these are Hear problem, Kidney problems, Neuropathy> Other than this foot problems, cuts etc and Hypogyceamia are major concerns

sattu1959 profile image

Yes all these problems are of major concern. Apart from these heart problems, foot problems are also of major concern. Even kidney problem is also a major concern.

Vsthak profile image

Concern is hperglycemia, though borderline. Why can't it be cured? I follow a whole regim of exercises icluding 25 mts kapalbhati, 10 mts unulomvilom and 30 mts daiky walk besides small walks after meals

ramana42 profile image

I suggest that the mast head of this web site should have an appeal to the participants to use the search function to clear their doubts before posting their questions.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to ramana42

Can you please explain what ‘mass head’ means? Who, ramana42 ?

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply to Activity2004

The title of a newspaper or magazine that is printed at the top of the front page-Dictionary meaning.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to ramana42

Okay, thank you for letting us know, ramana42 .

cherv profile image

I find thiis a very important issue and concern for all diabetic's and can lead to futher topic's. I havee concerns over heart promblems and serious issues with hyoglycemia, alway urgently low- bless the DEXCOM unit I wear for alarming me to these issues befor I pass out or wake me in the night. They cause depression I'll be honest living with this disease and having seizures another issue. I've found a diet living by KETO lifestyle has really helped me balance my numbers.

Activity2004 profile image

Great poll, Hidden !😀

I have high blood pressure, so kidney issues are a big concern.

deevige profile image

dont worry.

JDJ23To28AND1-2 profile image

digestive tract issues, like bowel issues

Srk1942 profile image

I have become diabetic eight months back. So, at present. I don't have a serious concern. But I feel that I might be more vulnerable for infections than before. Also, I have seen two of my relatives( no direct genetic relationship) who had to undergo dialysis towards the end of their life. So, I feel that kidney failure seems to be more common in diabetics. Heart problems are common even among non-diabetics.

Tibblington profile image

Deafness is a concern. I had my right ear damaged during an operation in 1937 and with age my left one is less sensitive which makes conversation in a crowded place more difficult.