Which of these aspects of being diabetic bo... - Diabetes India

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Which of these aspects of being diabetic bother you, this is a multiple choice poll and please say what other is.

62 Voters

Please select all that apply:

22 Replies
Activity2004 profile image

Since I’ve been a type 1, I never would want to risk my own health and/or any children I would like to have.

optorama profile image

Diabetics is not an issue, if the after effects of the medicines do not play a role with Kidney and Heart

ramana42 profile image

I am able to manage it in safe limits,but it has great nuisance value.Keeping motivated is difficult.

Srk1942 profile image

I used to eat whatever I like but healthy food before I became diabetic. Now, I have to be watchful about carbs and calories and portions. I am not obese and in fact, I weigh less than what I should. Diabetes restricts the freedom in the choice of food.

cherv profile image
cherv in reply to Srk1942

Srk, I am the same I weight far less than I should. I eat Keto and find it an exploration in dining to find new wys to cook and gain weight. I'm required by both my endo and nuero. to eat above the normal carb limit per day, which I do not go over by much. Many meals a day, healthy snacking, beng creative in the kitcken is my key always finding new recipes to excite my mouth. I do not feel restricted of food just a change in lifestyle.

Srk1942 profile image
Srk1942 in reply to cherv

Thank you for sharing. I am 76 yrs old and I became diabetic only six months back. That is the reason for my rant about diet.

I also can cook all kinds of food that is normally eaten in Andhra families. I cook myself whenever necessary. But in a family, it is difficult to follow diet rigorously for various reasons.

Also, the problem with diet comes in when we go out with family to restaurants, sight- seeing places or visiting relatives. In Andhra families, they serve you carbohydrate- rich food. This is what I mean by problem in diet restriction.

My weight is not an issue. I am only 6kg less than ideal weight. I don't have a tendency to put on weight and this has been a blessing. In fact, I have been less than my ideal weight throughout my life. My diabetologist is also not concerned with my weight and I am maintaining my current weight.

cherv profile image
cherv in reply to Srk1942

Srk, upon thinking of my response yesterday I for one did not take into account your age. Although I'm getting minus some years. True your culuture make meals difficult as you say with events and even family plans. Weight also is not an issue for me as I'm 97lbs 5'5 and keep a pretty busy life style. I also never have had a tendency to put weight on though they would like to see me do so. True you are surrounded by a carbhydrate lifestyle of food I have my Indian friends and my grandson just married the lovely young women last year. Please for give me if you took harm in my words I was just explaining how I've adjusted over the past 12 years since becoming Type 1.

Srk1942 profile image
Srk1942 in reply to cherv

Thank you. I did not get hurt at all. I only wanted to explain how it is difficult to follow diet strictly in an Indian family environment . You will be surprised how even in a family with a doctor in the family, diet goes for a toss. In many families, they have scant respect for diet.

cherv profile image
cherv in reply to Srk1942

Thank you for your kind words knowing your culture by family and friends in my country the US. You have a proud land and lifestlye which will take a long time to change. With the like you and others small steps will happen for your country and hopefully Type 1 and 2 will see a fall in numbers with awerness. You are a strong man continue the battle in your fight the group will support you strongly.

Srk1942 profile image
Srk1942 in reply to cherv

Thank you.

lfn1 profile image

Other: developing another issue/disease/condition i.e., I have now been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (Cancer of blood and bones) and now have changed my climb up the hill with yet another burden which I have to quickly adapt and learn about which can have heavy consequences on my diabetes because part of my treatment is steroids (weight gain and high blood glucose readings and blood thinner which tends to slow my body down as I exercise which means I am fighting weight gain through exercise and keeping my diabetes readings in check.

DiabetesDestroyer profile image

This is a very useful poll and I hope people respond in large numbers, so it can provide an insight into management.

I can't eat sweet as before. That's the major problem.

osho1410 profile image

I am bothered about the side effects of diabetes medicines on other vital organs as before being diagnosed I mostly relied on Ayurveda for normal ailments .

tanviyadav profile image

Different opposite theories regarding diet for diabetes makes me confused and not following diet strictly. Always in dilemma

yesh profile image

one has to carry insulin and medicines totake at advised timings some times it becomes awkward specially in public places

Rakesh profile image

Definitely future health complications and long term health issues are serious concern for me. I have sometimes have the problem of Hypoglycaemia. This is why I am reluctant to go on insulin and managing with medicines which have reached to maximum level.The consequential issues such as Nueropathy, Nephropathy, Retinopathy, Heart disease, BP and other serious complications of diabetes are always a concern.

In order to keep may BS under control there is always a issue as to what I should eat/ or not eat in various meals during the day. Offspring developing diabetes is a concern and always advising my children for observing precautions and getting regular check ups. Well I have to restrict socialising due to diabetes.

Apart from the above the health Care cost including cost of medicines is affecting the finances particularly at post retirement life. Another concern is visits outside my house, my city and out of country are always a stress since you have to plan well in advance and anticipate for every eventuality.

Srk1942 profile image

I want to know whether this forum will allow identification of the members to the extent of mentioning the country of their residence, and cultural background. This would greatly help in making replies relevant to the person or asking questions regarding diet or medication or availability of certain special products for diabetics etc. e. g. there is no point in asking about drugs to a person living in USA or any other country or vice versa by a person living in India. If some of them are physicians, it will also help in knowing that. For example, cottage cheese is not available in many towns including my place of residence. So, people can suggest some alternative keeping in mind their place of residence. Similarly, there is no point in suggesting non-vegetarian food for a vegetarian etc.

If necessary, this forum can take a poll for members' opinion.

in reply to Srk1942

Hi SRK1942, if you have any poll ideas, then please let me know and I'll post it.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to Srk1942

The poll idea for opinions of other members can be added to the posting that was created under the Pinned Posts section. Any ideas, please feel free to add them in the comment section and let us know what you would like us to do. Also, you can follow the posting for Suggestions and Polls for new and updated comments. :-)

As for knowing who is a doctor on the group, HU has a policy that no one is allowed to practice/treat anyone. The groups are for help and discussing issues that are related to the type of group everyone/that person joins.

suramo profile image

What to eat so that bs remains under control is the biggest day to day worry. Also how to lose abdominal fat is another concern.

sattu1959 profile image

Yes i do agree with the above. Since i have been a type 2 diabetic for the last 15-20 years , living with diabetes and its consequences, future health compliactions are of great concern to me. I don't want my near and dear ones to face the same.