Has anyone tried alternative remedies... - Diabetes & Hypert...
Has anyone tried alternative remedies, or therapies. Like yoga, or herbal remedies. It woudl be great to hear if they work at all...

I have tried herbal remedies for the last 8 years and they work very well in Kenya
Chris Mutinda
Dear Chris, Can you tell us more? What remedies specifically did you try and do you also take pharmaceutical products? Many thanks indeed/

ganesh. try siprullina... will do u well
Am in Kakamega, I tried herbal remedies and ended in ward with serious complications
Hi patrick
Thanks for your comment. You have to be extremely careful what you take when u are diabetic condition. Deal only with established companies and check their credentials, google each product that is mentioned and find out for yourself before you take. Ask questions until u are satisfied. Understand that different remedies are for different conditions. Send me your email and I will give you an idea of which products to take for a diabetic condition. But herbs have worked since the days of the bible
Thanks a lot DaveJame, since then I am very careful. my email is - patrickatswenje@gmail.com hope to read more from you.