Are any drugs better than Metfomin fo... - Diabetes & Hypert...

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Are any drugs better than Metfomin for type 2 diabetes? I'm asking on behalf of hubby(type 2) Doc. says metformin best as Hubby overweight

foxglove profile image
20 Replies

The problem is he also suffers from recurring cellulitis and exema, and the Metformin increases the itching so mu much that hubby can't stop scratching and rubbing.

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foxglove profile image
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20 Replies
foxglove profile image

Thanks! - keep telling him this,!!!!

mags4743 profile image

Metformin doesn't suit a lot of people. I am sure, therefore, if he mentions the problems to his GP or diabetes specialist they would change his drugs. I too am on Metformin. I am Type 1 with insulin resistance. My diabetes specialist told me Metformin would help with my weight, but I am afraid they didn't and I have been on them for almost a year and insulin for 14 years.

I have decided now to do "weight watchers" and lost 5 lbs in a week!

You are obviously a very concerned caring wife and I presume you do the cooking!! Why don't YOU put him on Weight Watchers. As a man he may not want to go to group meetings so my choice for him would be to purchase the WW Books. Some great recipes and the points are shown for each recipe so there is no "working out to do".

Good luck and if you need any help just let me know.

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to mags4743

Thanks, have mentioned to both doc. and diabetic nurse, they insist Metformin best because of weight .. I do DO the cooking and have tried all sorts but hubby buys biscuits etc. himself. He just WONT make the effort to cut down. If I don't do pudding he will help himself to a large (VERY) plate of ice cream which I have in freezer as I enjoy - occasionally - myself. Oh dear sorry for moan!, but as they say none so deaf as those who wont hear. Would be easier to deal with a child.

mags4743 profile image
mags4743 in reply to foxglove

IIt must be extremely difficult for you. I would INSIST on docs changing his medication. Metformin DO NOT help weight loss - he does have to do this himself. Maybe if you tell him about going blind, loss of a limb etc. etc. which can happen, he may take notice.

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to mags4743

Thanks for concern. He knows the risks etc. more than I but seems to think invincible. All tests eyes, circulation, b.p. reassuring, though he does have some kidney disease but doc. says not a concern at present, just have regular KFTs done to keep a check.. Does not want to change med. Metformin certainly will not cause weight loss but evidence shows that it helps stop any more weight going on and husband quite happy to be the weight he is (comes from a family of "well made folks") and oddly enough it was the occasional thinnish one who died early can't win!!! I just think he would be a lot more comfortable in his body if a few stone was shed. Easy for me to talk, I'm a natural skinny regardless of diet, exercise and so on - doesn't seem fair

Good luck with weight watchers!

Bumley profile image

Hi Foxglove,

When I was first diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic I was told that I was a 'Thin Diabetic' weighing in at 11 stone and 5 foot 8. After a few months being very sick on Metformin I was put on insulin. 18 years later my weight had gone up to 13 and a half stone (gave up smoking) and was put on metformin (the slow release version) which did not upset me and I lost about half a stone. I do keep to a lowish carb diet and still have full fat milk cheese etc. Recently the weight went back to the old levels and when checked my HBA1C levels were higher than they should be

I was referred back to the local specialist unit and they have put me on Exanatide (Byetta). This drug has the advantage that you reduce your insulin and metformin dose and it gives a feeling of being 'full' so you lose your appetite for between meals snacks (my downfall was muffin and crisps at night).

It does have side effects such as nausea etc but I have had only minor niggles. Its early days I have only been on it two weeks but already lost 1 stone and I am already feeling the benefit (blood pressure, more comfortable)



foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Bumley

Hi David,

thanks for reply and sharing your story. Husband at present wont consider anything but Metformin (not even the slow release type) and he does like his food!

Wishing you good luck on latest meds. Seems like you're heading in the right direction. Cheers

foxglove profile image

Haven't a clue how many grammes of carb. husband gets through but I would think LOT!!!

But then me too and my weight on the light side . Annoyingly I'm on of Nature's natural skinnies!

Bumley profile image

I don't count, but follow a GI book when selecting food. I cant handle the idea of counting carbs. I am a widower now who never liked cooking. My late wife was a great cook and spent a lifetime on Weight Watchers and others.


foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Bumley

Agree about GI diet - must take a look for book again. The diabetes diet also very good . Don't know where the copy of it and GI diet has gone Strongly suspect husband has thrown

foxglove profile image

Husband's blood glucose levels well controlled on metformin, in spite of diet!

foxglove profile image

Thanks for reply, I realise there is a lot to diabetes and with the co-operation of my husband's diabetic nurse did my best to help him manage the condition. You are so right in saying that what he needs is NOT policing (have tried that but only causes friction and upset). I also think that diabetes -both 1&2 seem to be conditions of denial and have decided to leave the care to the "professionals" and cause as least upset as poss. At least the medics are trained and paid to do their job! and they don't actually live with patient!!!

Good of you to advice and offer help

foxglove profile image

Thanks again for reply. Indeed true that change won't happen till person is ready and willing to help themselves, which I'm sure will come about when time is right.

annlaura profile image

was put on metformin two years ago,then metformin slr.....overweight too,had such a dreadful reaction,ended up in a&e...overnight hospital stay,endocrinologist,said stop the metformin,not diabetic,diet control needed...My blood pressure..then 237/120.!.....sent home,less than 15hrs.later..Urine catechelomine test,for suspected adrenal tumour/pheo.?done at home....appt,pheo.just lose weight....Now blood pressure 217/ taking two blood pressure tablets,beta-blockers,and more urine bottles arrive tomorrow,daily'episodes' still not sure if it is a pheo...did lose some weight on diet,gym and swimming...but still overweight...frustrating,as now housebound!...SOME people have been on Metformin and lost weight...and not suffered any problems...Guess the g.p.needs re-educating on diabetes,before dishing out tablets,and find the cause for my elevated blood sugars..still un-diagnosed and waiting!

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to annlaura

Sorry you've been "messed around" a lot. Sadly seems to be the norm now, and you're so right about the G.P. needing re-educating and not only on diabetes. Hope something works for you -must be so frustrating being housebound esp. after being active

P.S. what is pheo.?

annlaura profile image
annlaura in reply to foxglove

as far as I understand,a tumour on/in the adrenal gland situated on top of both kidneys...that fortunately are quite rare,but very difficult to diagnose and detect...causing re-curring sporadic bursts of adrenaline,when you don't require it...the surges wreak havoc whilst you are having one,,anything from minutes to hours,leaving the person exhausted!.....DR'S. usually persuade you to take anti-depressants,or diazepam,'you're stressed'..approach..first,then you are left to worried ,to seek further help..and then panic,when you collapse in their surgery,not good for other patients,in the waiting room,getting so cynical and frustrated,been on-going since 2012,not sure how much my body can take..There should be a specialist every surgery that only deals with symptomatic,unexplained cases...that can fast-track you to the appropriate consultant...Been told there is a 6week wait for urgent referral's..not got to that stage yet!

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to annlaura

Good of you to explain, sounds absolutely draining and exhausting ,esp.. as Docs. as usual don't really seem to know how to cope. must say I love the idea of "throwing a wobbly" and collapsing in the surgery....certainly not good for G.P.'s image!!!!!

Don't mean that last bit to be unkind, I've got a wacky sense of humour and there's a lighter side to everything. Sometimes the only way IS to see the funny side Believe me I've been there. Other nonsense is that an urgent referral should take 6 WEEKs

UNBLIEVABLE. Good luck to you anyway, will be thinking of you - for what it's worth

amihungry profile image

It has taken me years (am type2) to accept the effects of this horrible disease. Understand carbs etc and effects and have only twice had the condition under control (during both pregnancies). Knowledge made no difference. Sadly it takes some of us a long time to accept the illness and change our ways. Am on a medicine now with such horrible side effects I have had to take responsibility of myself and face up to things. In meantime eyes, blood pressure and kidneys have taken a hit. Hopefully your husband will accept his responsibilities sooner than later, in the meantime you have a uphill struggle. You can take a horse to water etc etc etc. . . am beginning to drink the water !! And fortunately my husband continually asks if I have had my meds. . Keep up the effort. . It will be worth it :)

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to amihungry

Thanks for they say "Hope springs eternal!!!"

Bjw7 profile image

Metformin extended release was so much better for me the regular metformin made me so sick

Not what you're looking for?