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Implants / periodontitis

Paulina21 profile image
22 Replies


Would like to know any one that has periodontist and had implants

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Paulina21 profile image
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22 Replies
BarnettCA profile image

I have periodontitis, but I am not sure when it started as I had 14 crowns fitted in 2009 and in 2015 I had a bridge and implants (3-4) on my right side back teeth, but then I already had very little bone there for it to attach too, but it was successful. However, I have since apparently now got a rather severe periodontal problem, with deep pockets around most of my teeth, between 4-8mm. It is under control but the area where I had the implants seems alright. The worst part is in my front two teeth where I keep getting constant infections. I have had two lots of antibiotics in the last three months. I am 68 and have always kept good oral hygiene, especially after my crowns were fitted. I cleaned regularly, flossed and have a water pick too. I also, went through invisalign treatment to close a gap in the front, and am not sure if this could have exacerbated the disease, The dentist that done the invisalign was adamant that it had nothing to do with the problem. I have had deep cleans and keep them up regularly. Not sure what else I can do to stop the situation getting worse. Any advice welcome.

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA


Thank you for sharing your situation .

I have various crowns and root canals .

Im not sure exactly when I had periodontist but would imagine at least 18. / 20 years , I'm 59 and although tried to look after my teeth have struggled with gums and bleeding for years ..

In 2004 I found a dentist that had saved some of my teeth and kept my gum disease quite controlled .

I have deep cleaning every 3 months and brush / clean gums twice a day .

I also use a recommended electric bush to help keep plaque at bay .

I had a failed apesectomy that failed and old root canal to top side left 18 months ago .

I would like to have implants done but bit concerned due to gun disease .

No idea how my bone structure is or size of pockets .

My dentist just says it's mostly controlled although flares up especially if I get stressed .

I started to suffer with anxiety which didn't help although keeping that

controlled also must of time .

Had a few bad years .

I think it is possible to save teeth if your lucky when having periodontist if you visit dentist very frequently and have through teeth cleaning twice daily plus good diet .

I think I have inherited the gene from my mum .

You seem to be doing every thing you can .

Sometimes it seems unfair as I know people that don't visit dentist , don't clean properly and don't seem to have major issues !!!!!

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA

Did you find implants painful ?

How long did you wait for the crown to be fitted ?

BarnettCA profile image
BarnettCA in reply to Paulina21

I had my Crowns and Implants done in Slovakia by a wonderful Dentist, and I suffered no Pain at all. But since I have been having treatment for my gums here in the U.K. especially with the deep cleans, I find that quite difficult, considering the work I have had done before, and I wasn't expecting any pain at all.

I seem to have the gum disease under control with all the paraphernalia I have collected, Water Pik, Corsodyl and I have used an electric toothbrush for years.

I cant remember exactly the time between the implants and crowns/bridge, I think it was something like 6-8 weeks between visits. I did have to go to Slovakia a few times to complete the treatment, but I still think it was well worth it, as I saved a lot of £, and could not afford to have the same work done here.

Incidentaly, I had the implants done in the area where the bone was quite minimal, but it seems to have settled in fine, and it is not where my main gum problem is.

I hope this helps with your decision, although we all experience these things differently, so I am not sure if it would be relevant.

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA

Thank you so much .

Where about do you live ?

I think many people super from periodontist, like us , some are unaware or not knowledgable enough to understand how serious it is if they don't have very good oral hygiene .

Know a few that have lost all their teeth as unaware they had the disease !!!

All we can do is visit dentist frequently and have good home oral cleaning .

You mentioned about your gum / gum treatment , did you mean it was painful . ?

BarnettCA profile image
BarnettCA in reply to Paulina21

The deep clean was a bit painful, that is because the dentist attempted to do it without numbing at first, but I had to have several injections for it to be numbed up so it could be done without pain.

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA

I've had that on many many occasions , go every 3 months and get it done now to keep try and keep everything at bay .

One of the best things for us alongside good home oral care .

If I think about periodontitis to much it makes me fear the future , I didn't realise how serious it is but apparently a huge percentage of projects have it and oblivious to it !!

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA

Do you have deep cleaning done quite frequently now , at check ups ?

FrancesTT profile image
FrancesTT in reply to BarnettCA

Hi BarnettCA Dose having all that work done minimse the situation with your gums? and how much did they charge you for all the treatments? and has your gums inproved since the treatments? my sister had periodontitis back in the 50s but dentists back then just pulled all the teeth out l, ive spoken to her many times cause i now suffer with the some problem, my sister tells me she has no regrets having all her teeth taken out, because she never suffered any after math like we put up with today . .

AnotherDentist profile image
AnotherDentist in reply to BarnettCA

The number of poorly fitted, failing implants I see on a weekly basis from dentists abroad is shocking. There are reasons why the care is more expensive in the UK and one of those is that here you need to have a 2-3 year postgraduate degree, while abroad the dentists often complete a 2 day weekend course.

You get what you pay for, unfortunately.

You have no guarantee of long term maintenance from your Slovakian dentist and no guarantee of the implants that were used - do you know that they were medical grade?

I must take this opportunity to advise everyone to save up and get implants in the UK. Do not travel abroad for cheaper alternatives, they will fail.

I would never in a million years offer implants to a patient suffering from periododntitis, as your chances of perio-implantitis are considerably higher.

Also, if you have gum disease - this won't simply be specific to your front teeth. It affects your whole mouth and generally can be better/worse depending on what areas you're inherently better at keeping clean.

Best treatment for periodontitis is a good cleaning regime at home. 2x daily, 2minutes and an absolute must is interproximal brushes of the correct size also daily.

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to AnotherDentist

Thank you for your advise

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to AnotherDentist

Bring a sufferer of periodontitis I've learnt a lot from good hygiene /cleaning is a must .

After loosing 2 teeth to top right side approx 18 months ago I've often thought of getting advise on implants at my local implant clinic , which is an expensive well trained staff from top London hospitals .

Your advise is don't have implants .

I've been very apprehensive due to my gum disease and my dentist hadn't said don't have it done even though he is cautious with everything .Just said endure to get advise from the top dental clinic in our area .

Feel so should take your advise !

BarnettCA profile image
BarnettCA in reply to AnotherDentist

Sorry I do not agree with you at all. My crowns were done 8 years ago, and I have had no trouble with them. The dentist in Slovakia was better and more thorough than any dentist I have visited in the UK. my implants/bridge was done in late 2015. But the problem became obvious after I attempted to get some invisalign braces. The UK dentist did not investigate my gum health properly, and my teeth started to move after having them in a for a few weeks. I firmly believe that this irritated my gums and started the infections. It is under control now, and I have always been very vigilant with my oral hygiene. Especially after my crowns were done. You may have a vested interest in scaring people off from going abroad for their dental treatment, but I can assure you my treatment abroad was first class, and I would go there again for any orthodontics or serious hygiene work, than risk some of the second rate UK dentists.

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA


You've given me hope again x

Feeling confused about having implants at all with periodontitis .

Do you have any problems with your implants having gum disease like me x

AnotherDentist profile image
AnotherDentist in reply to BarnettCA

I'm glad that you are happy with your work done abroad, fantastic. However, on the whole there are problems with this as you simply will not get the same degree of maintenance as you would here - do you go back every 3-6 months for your check ups to your Slovakian doc? How do you know your impalnts are in good health? PLaced in 2015 is still early days, I see implants that are hanging on by gum only after 5-10 years. They're still in the mouth, but are they successful?

Additionally, a dentist here wouldn't touch any foreign work with a barge pole and failing implants from abroad are generally only treated in a hopsital, if you're so lucky.

Yes, there are practitioners that carry out poor work everywhere, including the Uk. It is unfortunately a common occurence where docs will place value of money over their patients health, as in your case where you were offered invisalign without treatment of your gum disease. However, in the UK we have this wonderful organisation called the GDC (general dental council) where you can check if your Implantologist is properly qualified. Can you do that in Slovakia?

I am pointing this out so that people think before they act. Cheaper treatment is always tempting, but should not be the reason that you end up going abroad.

Also, implants while you have gum disease - big no-no. Your gum disease must be stabilised first, and then after implant placement you must be monitored regularly with hygiene appointments - with a hygienist who is qualified to clean implants.

BarnettCA profile image

Not in the past, but Yes I am going to, I had my last one in September and next is in December.

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA

Think this is best bet to keep it at bay .xx

Think there are huge percentage with periodontitis , some not aware , some ignorant to how serious it can be , and then there is us xx

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA

Do you mind if I asked how old you are ?

I'm just 59 ..

Think I've had this for years !

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to BarnettCA

Where do you live ?

ammarijus profile image

Hello Paulina21, BarnettCA,

A lot of people suffer from gum disease all around the world. I am working with the periodontal patients here in London UK, and we have a holistic protocol in place which helps stabilise the gum condition for about 80% of cases or more. The protocol consist of diagnostic test , to find out your inflamation levels, pathogenic organisms - entamoeba gingivalis etc, mineral and vitamin levels, aneamia factors, and teh issues which can lower general immunity - things like stress , emotional trauma, etc. The method is based on research from periodontologist Mark Bonner. Please check his videos to understand the whole situation.

Dr Marijus NDU clinic

Paulina21 profile image
Paulina21 in reply to ammarijus

Thankyou for your information

alockie profile image

No dir experiences, but you would find tons of reviews on dentalimplantsfriends com. Hope this helps xx

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