Hi has anyone applied for PIP on here ?
PIP UK thing : Hi has anyone applied for PIP on... - deafPLUS
PIP UK thing
Hi, not for hearing loss, I have lupus too., The person who did the face to face could not understand my hearing loss, as many others too. I have serious hearing loss with high frequency sounds but only slight loss on low frequency. I did not get any 'points' for it. You lose nothing (except a little pride) for applying so if you think you are entitled then go for it. There's a guide on DSS website I believe. Good luck
I have severe hearing loss too born with it went to deaf school when i was 16 found out should have gone when 4 i did get DLA for life for it till PIP plonked its ore in i don't have high pitch sounds nor low i don't hear words but learnt a way to understand over the years but only with real close friends and family , I had my PIP assessment few week ago got results other day alllllllllll the lies in it wow she said i can mix in groups of people lol yeah right im a one to one person otherwise i cut off she said i phone for hospital car for appointments lie i've never used then my step mother always takes me and comes in with me as i don't understand what the neuro dr says . I got 2 points for hearing lost because of hearing lost i suffer from anxiety im guessing thats caused from being in hearing school and getting bullied by teachers (not kids) i hate going anywhere on my own even shopping in near by town ( i live out in the sticks) i suffer with other things too one being a sleep disorder called RLS only sleep around 6 to 8 hrs a week have severe Asthma too and back problems , The assessor woman came into my house babbling so fast i didn't catch her name or anything i asked her slow down to which she started shouting which makes it hard to lipread as it distort the face and makes it look angry i asked her to stop shouting then she got ratty with me ggrrr.
Please appeal. I had DLA but refused me when I applied for PIP. I didn't get mobility, which I had with DLA but on appeal I got care component. I've just got 2 new hearing aids, I'm going back tomorrow for 'tweaking' as I'm still missing lots. My mum has a cochlea implant , I've inherited her nerve ending deafness, though not to her extent of loss. Good luck, please appeal
My daughter phoned them today spoke to nice lady me being deaf wasn't even on their system anyway she spoke with my daughter asked a load of questions and told her to write on letter and put in a complaint about the assessor plus the assessor said i was alone hmm i had a friend here .
I can't wear hearing aids all they do is amplify noise doesn't make words clearer from what i can find there's Deaf/blind somewhere in the family way back my daughter has hearing lost and now looks like my 2 yr old granddaughter has Auditory Neuropathy she hears but how she hears we're not sure yet she doesn't have speech im guessing it's like words get muddled up between her ears and the brain taking over a year to find out for sure because she passed hearing test they discharged her gggrrr the problem is the inner ear thankfully she is real good at BSL lucky for her she's within a family that can use BSL .
up date still not heard owt about appeal , i did get the full assessment report ppfftt! it says i lip read on one line then a few lines down it stated i had good eye contact lol hmm.. still trying to work that one out haha! maybe i should have just not looked at her and asked her to repeat everything then she'd had moaned about being here all day just can't win with these people, plus the name of the assessor on the full report that carried out my assessment is not the person that did my assessment only know this as my friend that was here with me has met the named one twice and most deffo wasn't her . anyway thought i'd up date you let you know im still waiting , Hope your got your hearing aids sorted
It's all a nightmare isn't it. They must think everyone lies!! I've given up on hearing aids as like you , everything is amplified not jspeecust speech. My granddaughter had grommets put in last week and adenoids out, hoping that helps her. Good luck with appeal ☺
Hiya sorry for delay , Glad im not the only one that finds that with hearing aids trouble is the assessor and the assessment people DWP find that a problem sayng im not helping myself ppfffttt they're not in my shoes and don't get what i mean , My granddaughter hearing is fine nothing wrong it's her speech she has a speech disorder (not delayed speech) my daughter just started getting DLA for her which is fab means she can get her toys etc! to help , my daughter had gawd knows hw many grommets put in she was only 4 months old when she had her first lot and her adenoids out when she was 4 years old i nearly lost her when she had that op found out she's alergic to pethadine , Her having the grommits was amazing as she got older i always knew when she was ready for new lot as her hearing went down then she had new membrain put over her eardrums great till the ENT went and peirce one of them when he was taking the wadding out lol , I've still not heard owt about my appeal been told could be up to two years now waiting gggrrr think our only hope now is that Labour gets in ,in the GE lol and scrap all these assessments . Hope your granddaughter is doing great since she had her grommits in x