How many people have tested their urine pH themselves at home? What have you found easiest to use to do so (pH sticks/ paper/ electronic meters etc) - any advice for what works best?
Testing urine pH: How many people have... - Cystinuria Support
Testing urine pH

Not something I do, but will follow responses and possibly change my management of the condition
Not something I have ever been asked to do myself. This is however checked at 6 monthly hospital appointment.
I used PH Stick works fine for me.

I bought myself a full on electronic PH tester at one point but it became like an episode of Breaking Bad every time I went to the loo so I now use PH strips
I have and do often. Not sure I'm reading the stick right way to the tube though. ...
Hi Matt, I used several digital ph meters but the best was a mudder. £15 quid on Amazon (Combined with a plastic cup to wee in).
I genuinely believe if Cystinuriacs understand the cause and effect of their urine pH peaks and troughs it helps self manage the condition.
Yes I check my ph at home with stick
hay matt, I check my PH with sticks because its easier to use
I have only ever used ph sticks work fine. Do not check regularly though.
I use ph sticks that I buy on amazon and I carry some in my bag and a pot of them at home.