I had my first freezing episode today...4... - Cure Parkinson's
I had my first freezing episode today...4 years since diagnosis. any hints on how to avoid thema/ ahow often do they happen?

I have had serious revisiting episodes for about three months. If you find any answers please let me know.
I have had serious revisiting episodes for about three months. If you find any answers please let me know.sorry that should have been freezing episodes.
When my drugs have worn-off I freeze for a few seconds every time I move after having been standing still for a while. Also I tend to freeze when moving from a wide open place to one where space is confined, e.g. going through a doorway or trying to get past a group of people. Sometimes I can freeze in wide open places too, e,g, when crossing the road.Freezing is my worst symptom. This problem is successfully treated with Levodopa in the form of Madopar which is equivalent to Sinemet.
On another forum I have encountered a couple of people who used to freeze for several hours 2 or 3 times a week. Also their freezing left them with only the ability to move their eyeballs.
Both of these people had their freezing problem eliminated by having the DBS surgery.
And don't go to the supermarket, all those people with their trolley's constantly changing direction and speed - very difficult to make progress under those circumstances
My husband has occasional freezing episodes and I use a laser light pointer to get him to move. He seems to want to follow the red light and it helps unfreeze his feet. I also ask him to march like he's in the army and count 1, 2, 1 , 2 and that often works. Sometimes his brain just has to catch up with his wanting to move so it may take a couple of minutes.
Freezing is scary but don't panic, you can learn to handle it. Hopefully you have a good Movement Disorder specialist who can help you with the right meds, if you don't, keep looking!. Since starting Azilect I rarely have episodes but when I do I find that taking a deep breath, picking up my feet and marching helps, also I sing to myself, something lively such as a good Sousa march, hum if you need to. I do find that avoiding crowds and not pushing myself and going out when I am too tired helps!
Bigger exercise works - try stepping to each side in turn and then swing your body as you turn your foot in a step backwards at the extremity of your sideways step. It sounds simple but it is very effective - but you need to be comfortable with your sideways stepping before you attempt the turn step
I freeze all day long. I have U-step walker which is a godsend. When I go in the supermarket now I go in a wheelchair as I got so frustrated with freezing even holding onto my husband.
I'm seeing my neuro next week in the hope that he's putting me forward for DBS.The funny thing is I don't have a tremor!
I alyways carried a paper hankie in my pocket and when I would freeze I would drop the hankie at. my feet and step over it this really worked Another trick is to hum a catchy tune hope this helps