I read about people who go mountain climbing and on cruises in support of PD and I think about how fortunate they are. I am aware that these are things that I'll never be able to do. I'm unemployed. I want to work but something inside of my head isn't cooperating. My goals have been tampered with. i no longer expect to be employed. My wife works but we don't have any healthcare Insurance. We pay our medical bills out of pocket. I wonder about The Future. Will we be able to do this for ever? When I think about the Mood of the Anti Government Lobby I wonder IF there will be anything like Medicare down The Road. People without PD have the same problems as we do. The well being of millions of people are in jeopardy. What are they thinking?
These are The Parkinson's Nuisances i think about as i lie awake in the early morning. My little moan.