Just joind tonite. Sanario i put on Prince song Rock & Roll love affair on you tube stood up and danced like i always used to a few minits in i start to seize up its so strange.Why am i fine one minit then not the next. Not wingeing just puzzled Thanks Wilf5series
Danceing: Just joind tonite. Sanario i put... - Cure Parkinson's

Perhaps because you stopped dancing before you seized up?
I was brought up on Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins and Johhny Cash and whenever their records are played, I just want to dance! If I am medicated, I can put the younger ones to shame - for an hour or two anyway - but when I stop, boy am I tired. Although I have been diagnosed for 11 years, I a lucky I don't freeze but my message to you is keep that music playing and dance till you drop - I always sleep better after dancing
I went to a beatles type concert and stood up and danced as i used to-its when you start to think about what you are doing;;we get into the habit of being invalids-when we are happy and forget we feel better; We all need more fun in our lives;;in my opinion;;
its why im going to try hypnotism to stop sabottaging myself!
My partner thinks i am a nutcase because i dance on my own in my study listening to my favorite music but i know it does my the world of good.Nice to feel i am not on my own Thanks!!!!
Because when you hear music, you move from a different part of your brain. Your muscles have memory. Sometimes when I am frozen in the street, I'll hear a car radio playing a salsa and start walking. Some neuro's recommend walking with an MP3 loaded with your favorite music. I can't keep mine in my ears, but have no problem singing out loud in the street. In NYC no one pays attention. No one has put money in my basket yet
Hi Patv NYC you do mean NEW YORK i came to NY a couple of years ago best holiday ever.
freestyle dancing is a powerful therapeutic tool
dadncing uses many small muscles that would waste away othertwise
when I am especiallly lethargic my wife just has to put on some Barry White or Micheil Jackson and i need no prodding todance fror and hour or more
And when I freeze anytime during the day I sing a favorite excerpt from a song that dates back to my father's time and like magic it never fails to get me moving (why I chose that particular dated song is a mystery - but it works!)