SinemetSR ,does it help you at night turn... - Cure Parkinson's
SinemetSR ,does it help you at night turning /changing positions and go out of bed on your own?any one could share their positive /negative?

It did not help me at all. I get very weak during the night to the point that I almost cannot turn over and have not found a solution.
A long answer vanished. ( I too am very week at night and to roll over I almost
have to get out of bed. Weakness is one of the major things now in my PD life.
Is SenimetSR for this part of Parkinson's. I just moved to Arizona and have not
found any doctors yet. Still looking. They are booked a month or more out.
Iam the opposite! I was suffering from Bradkinesa at night and SR gets me through the night.. Weakness and turning over problems are par for the course but once you are out of bed the problem of getting going is where I had problems
Hi there,
I've been taking Sinemet SR at night for a few months to help with tremor & stiffness wich were causing very bad pain. It has helped with this but I can also turn more easily (not right over). Thanks for question as I hadn't reigistered this improvement.
It does seem to help for turning in bed. Also I add half a tab to my regular sinimet when I feel I'm going to need a boost. It's unpredictable as to when it will be absorbed.
I have recently started taking Sinemet CR to control my tremor during the night. I also take Stalevo. I take my last Stalevo about 10.30pm and then take the Sinemet whem I awake - usually 2/3 hours later. I find this helps and was encouraged by my Consultant to find a time to take it which suited me.
That's very interesting Court
I take 25/mg/Levodopa 100mg
Stalevo 50-200-2000
5 xs a day
THen in the morning I take Ropiinirole er. 8 mg and at night before bed I take Ropinirole er 12 mg
The 'er' seems to help( slow release)
I take sinemet 25/100 --2 tabs 3x/day. About 10 months ago I was placed sinemet SR at bedtime------------just recently I realized that I am actually sleeping in bed for 5-7 hrs,turning side to side and able to sit up without that much difficulty----a vast improvement from sleeping in a reclining chair for 3-4 hours.
i blame sinamet CR for identical problems. Changed to Stalevo. Regards, Jim