hi,constipation and pd,gosh my poor bowel... - Cure Parkinson's

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hi,constipation and pd,gosh my poor bowels,lol.does anyone else suffer with bowel trouble?

abbie profile image
17 Replies
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abbie profile image
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17 Replies
jillannf6 profile image

Hi abbie

Welcome to the site

Yes I have problems both with bowel snd bladder and when I want tio go i have to

Ps constipation is dreadful and i take movicol 4 p

PPs I have PSP and am just moving into a groinfpd floor apart. As the stairs RCA problem

The bathroom is now out of this world (walk in shower/bidet/toilet )all sorted for me.

Lol Jill


in reply to jillannf6

Jill. I also have constipation problems. It's so uncomfortable & annoying. Ive found that drinking lots of water( I mean chugging 16 oz at one time) has helped. I do this first thing in the morning. I down 2 16 oz gk

Lasses. Sometimes, I have to go before I finish my second glass!

I always make sure I have water with me. Even in the car.

Court profile image

Yes, I have constipation. Not a nice thing at all. It comes in fits and starts. Eat plenty of fruit and fibre, take Fybogel, drink wine, etc. but nothing helps. Seems to go with the territory.

shasha profile image
shasha in reply to Court

have you tried acidophilus ( spelling ) i think it is the saviour of me - honestly i have been seriously constipated in the past ..

hilarypeta profile image
hilarypeta in reply to Court

fibre -fruits nuts sees;; and keep off wheat- eat gluten free and drink 8 glasses of water a day. I only get constipation when I forget water and eat anything with wheat in..

abbie profile image

hi jillannf6and also court,i have mebeverine tabs for spazerms in gut ,20 mins before i eat something,and use movical 3 times a day ,it helps i guess,but not brillant.i live in a bunglow now,and have a walk in shower,being on level ground helps a awful lot when you have toilet problems.ive not tryed acidophilus ,court,it might be a idea for me to mention to the gp,if i still am constipated.i have a lot of meds,including mst,morphine,which is a big prob with constipation ,im told.get rid of pain ,and get bungged up,lol carnt win eh.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to abbie

Is morpine the only thing that relieves your pain? It is dreadfully constipating, its a treatment for diarrhea!

I like Red wine and Kiwifruit .......

PatV profile image

Ive tried everything (except eliminating sugar and caffeine) with worsening results. My whole life revolves around whether I have b.m. or not because of abdominal dystonia--> trapped gas, trapped everything. OUCH

larry33b profile image

Terrible problem. Squeeze out what looks like deer droppings. My neuro gave me "Lacutose". It helps a bit. Only one or two tablespoons in the morning.

Barb070 profile image
Barb070 in reply to larry33b

Why does it help that I identify with this description? Thanks for putting into words.

in reply to larry33b

Larry. I've also read about pressure points. One is a palms length below the belly button & the other right below that. This is hit or miss but worth a try.

Dennis profile image

Yes! Terrible time with constipation! Saw several docs this past week including my GI doc., x-rays, test, medications and still have problems!

HerbLax (Shakley product; begin with 4 at night; do not go then 6 the

next night; do not go (bm) 8 the next time. Drink plenty of water! Herb Lax

helped me; however last week or so I could not relieve myself at all. I began

with over the counter liquid (MiraLax) follow directions only I took MiraLax in AM, noon and evening. When I take MiraLax 3 x a day then I do not take the HerbLax at night. Still am not regular but I have starting making bm again. Neuro said constipation is part of PD and side affects of PD meds. ~Dennis

Carrigan profile image

Movicol has been the most successful for my hubby, plus fruit and firbre increase in his diet. Unfortunately all the medication cause this and as you problably know cant stop taking them. A real pain

tlongmire profile image

I started taking a stool softener at night and that had helped me immensely.

Pete-1 profile image

After years being, quite often, inclined the other way, I think a bit of mild constipation is just great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jillannf6 profile image


i have ,sinc e moving ,gone the othe rway and now cannnot get to the toile ton time

i am going 6 / 7 times a day and when i gotta go i gotta go

it means that i dont need th e movicol ro red iwne or chocolate but am s itll drinkin g lot s of water

it si a real pain in the ass l(iterllaly) and i think my sphincter muscles are going / have gone,.

i have PSP and the problemsin swallowing cna be linked ot the muiscles not workign v well at tha t end eihtr

hey ho i tis a fine day aat the moment and ihave not" been"


lol JILL


ps i am seeing the incontinence team when i ge tan appt

hints will be welcome

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to jillannf6

Check out neurogenic bladder Jill, there is info on line. Its difficult to treat but anticholenergic drugs help me. Detrusitol XL or Duloxetine are two I know of. Botox injections are sometimes used i have read. :).