I'm building some tests to track my disease progress for my hands and finger. And I stumbled upon a couple of articles, including the one below.
"Bradykinesia assessment in Parkinson’s disease"
I couldn't find any good online tests. So I had ChatGPT make a page for me to, on a weekly basis, perform these tests to give me results so I can measure how my hand motor progress moves on.
Maybe this is helpful for more people, so I'm sharing the code here: jsfiddle.net/x9nsf74y/
You can run it on this page, or you can just copy paste the text that is in the HTML block on the page, paste it in a file that you name on your computer like "tests.html" and then you can just open that file to run your tests.
I'm running this weekly for both hands and also for my big toe on my feet.
Are any of you doing something similar? Always looking for some useful tests.