volevo sapere se qualcuno di voi ha avuto esperienze a riguardo della terapia con cellule staminali. Grazie!
terapia con cellule staminali per il Park... - Cure Parkinson's
terapia con cellule staminali per il Parkinson

Translation: I wanted to know if any of you have had any experience with stem cell therapy. Thanks!
autologous stem cell infusions - improvements in walking, vision, stamina, tremors somewhat reduced most of the time
When and where did you get it done? Did you leave or reduce medication after it? Cost ?Could you please give some information?
My husband has not taken sinemet but he does take compounded carbidopa and macuna one time per day in the morning. He was in the clinical trial at Hope Biosciences and the trial was just filled recently.
Can you tell me more about this one dose of carbidopa and macuna. Who perscribed it? Did you go to a compound pharmacy in your area? Is it covered under your insurance?
It was prescribed by a naturopath. It is mailed to us by a compounding pharmacy in Portland. We do not try to run it through our insurance. If you can get someone to prescribe it I have read accounts by some Parkinson patients who have been able to get a prescription for the standard carbidopa that is not compounded. I did read that someone who was taking the plain carbidopa that was a regular pharmaceutical had a problem with the fillers that were used but that could be an issue with any prescription that included that ingredient. I think it was some form of stearate if I am remembering correctly. I have also read that there are some who take a portion of a sinemet pill like a half or a quarter and take mucuna with it. Some people do not seem to tolerate mucuna and it gives them an upset stomach so it may not work for everyone. There is also an issue with purity and there are some brands of mucuna that are tested. There is a facebook page with regard to using mucuna. facebook.com/groups/3288385...
Thank you very much. Do you have any amounts you can share, milligrams of each, plus what type of macuna is used - it is all different % of ldopa.