Of 94 patients, 69 were assigned to undergo ultrasound ablation (active treatment) and 25 to undergo the sham procedure (control); 65 patients and 22 patients, respectively, completed the primary-outcome assessment. In the active-treatment group, 45 patients (69%) had a response, as compared with 7 (32%) in the control group (difference, 37 percentage points; 95% confidence interval, 15 to 60; P=0.003). Of the patients in the active-treatment group who had a response, 19 met the MDS-UPDRS III criterion only, 8 met the UDysRS criterion only, and 18 met both criteria. Results for secondary outcomes were generally in the same direction as those for the primary outcome. Of the 39 patients in the active-treatment group who had had a response at 3 months and who were assessed at 12 months, 30 continued to have a response. Pallidotomy-related adverse events in the active-treatment group included dysarthria, gait disturbance, loss of taste, visual disturbance, and facial weakness.
Unilateral pallidal ultrasound ablation resulted in a higher percentage of patients who had improved motor function or reduced dyskinesia than a sham procedure over a period of 3 months but was associated with adverse events. Longer and larger trials are required to determine the effect and safety of this technique in persons with Parkinson’s disease. (Funded by Insightec; number, NCT03319485. )