does anyone have a recommendation for an upright walker for someone with Parkinson's?
walkers: does anyone have a recommendation... - Cure Parkinson's

Yes! Learn to stand erect and CONCENTRATE HARD ON THE WALKING MOVEMENT, CONSCIOUSLY MOVING EACH LEG, ON AT A TIME and keep on walking CONSCIOUSLY. I have had Pd for over 25 years and at the age of 88 I am still walking and have taken no PD medication since 1994!
I bought a treadmill with support bars either side and have found it beneficial+ you can vary the speed to what suits you best
Yes, the u‐step. It is expensive but I think that medicare will cover a portion of it.
I just got one u-step ii. it is expensive but good. they give 2 week return period. medicare might cover $400. it would cost $300
don't own one but seen people with this walker - keeps a person upright as they don't need to bend -
I love my USTEP II, it was ordered by my neurologist, luckily it was covered by Medicare and my insurance. It's got 7 wheels, so it can turn well even in a doorway. It also has a seat. Good luck!
I have the u step walker too, awesome! Some of the models have a built in laser light for those frozen gait moments, unfortunately the one I have does not but my husband, who is a master handyman, bought a laser level for less than $30 and attached it to the walker and it works great. I was able to acquire my u step for free through the Parkinson’s association where I live, and they work with a medical supply store who gives people free items. The u step is specifically designed for those patients with neurological problems and is considered the Rolls Royce of walkers for pd.

thanks for your reply. Can you give me more information on how the Parkinson’s Association got it for you for free.
my local Parkinson’s Association has a relationship with a medical supply store in my town and they refer people to the store to get free walkers etc.