Been having some problems with constipation bloating and fullness. My PCP wants me to have a CT scan with dye. Has anyone had this done? What are the risks with a die? I also understand there's quite a bit of radiation. Any suggestions further information will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
CT scan with dye: Been having some problems... - Cure Parkinson's
CT scan with dye

Parkinson's exerts a double whammy when it comes to constipation – it dries out the GI tract and reduces peristalsis. These issues can be overcome in my experience. See discussion at:
I will leave it to others with relevant experience to set forth the pros and cons of the proposed diagnostic procedure.
I Had CT scan with dye last week no problem. It is very quick.
My hubby who has Parkinson’s, is allergic to the dye and comes out in a rash which lasts for weeks! They now do his CT scans without the dye.
You have to have a go with the dye before you know!!
My husband recently spent 10 days in hospital while they tried everything trying to fix his constipation. He had scans, a colonoscopy, enemas and meds. He came home with the meds and after a few days of very little happening, we decided to try park_bear’s solution of high dose vitamin C. We tried 5 grams, and hey presto, he goes every day. As park_bear said, his visits to the bathroom are very short.
Hi Gwendoline just wondered what time of the day does your husband take the Vit C for best results also any particular make of Vitamin C ?
Interesting! Maybe worth a try. Hubby’s not doing too badly with Macuna and b. Subtilis, but I like the idea of amping up vitamin c for his immune system too.
How are you doing otherwise? Haven’t seen posts in awhile, sounds like some stresses if he’s been in the hospital?
Hi, I am replying because my husband also takes powdered Mucuna Pruruiens. And he adds 1,000 mg of powdered ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) with it to help with any possible nausea and of course for other health benefits. He also eats a couple of prunes with each meal to prevent constipation which use to be a problem. I believe it all works together.
Yes, you are right. It’s been a torrid few months. My husband spent two months in hospital late last year. He was diagnosed with delirium. He completely closed down. It was scary. I suspect it was caused by a drug he had been put on for OAB. Mentally he is great now, but he’s having breathing problems. He is breathless all the time and can’t do much physically. We have a respiratory specialist on it and now a cardiologist has been added. There seems to be lung and heart problems. It’s early days, so we don’t know yet what’s going on.
Thanks for asking.
A CT Scan with dye is much less invasive than a colonoscopy. Some people are allergic to the dye but that is well-known, and the techs will watch you closely. I have recently solved the constipation issue after a very difficult year of worsening symptoms. My integrative medecine doc put me on 18 grams of Miralax a day (restores fluid to the intestine). That turned my belly full of rocks to a belly full of sludge. My gastroenterologist added pill (75 mcg) first thing in the am with a full glass of water. (Increases peristalsis). I have cut back on the Miralax to two or three times a week. Daily BMS, no pain, hemmrohoids shrinking. After a month of success, I no longer put constipation on my "PC issues that bother me the most" lists! 😊
I want to try linzesse but so far the doc won't write the Rx. I've played with various laxatives such as bisacodyl, miralax and prunes. I've learned that if I'm congested I'm close to needing a BM. Traditional Chinese Medicine says the colon is connected to the sinuses by way of meridians. When I attempt a BM I push my fist into the lower left side of the abdomen, essentially stimulating the pelvic flexure. The resultant BM is a pile of bricks followed by a pool of greenish semi-solid material. Sorry, no photo. The bottom line is when it's time to GO, I can't put it off. If I do the end result is nasty. I've had to throw out three pair of shorts because I couldn't reach the toilet in time. Like I said...Nasty.
I understand completely. I waited for an appointment with my gastroenterologist for six neuro, my primary, and my integrative medecine docs all knew about Linzesse but felt they didn't know enough to prescribe it. BTW there is a new motility clinic at Standford that has created a protocol for people with PD. They have had success with the combination of Miralex and Linzesse. You can find more about their work at
I've posted before about Magnesium Oxide (Sundown vitamins on Amazon is cheap!) for helping with constipation. My husband takes 3-4 daily and has little trouble compared to his constipation issues prior. Cheap way to try for relief!
Yes, I tried magnesium on the advice of a naturaapath but it wasn't helpful. Good suggestion to try first. Glad it has helped your husband.
Hubby has been struggling recently with constipation for the first time and they put him on laxatives and he is now back to normal without them. Turned out the culprit was too much levodopa and the half sleeping pill that has been causing all the havoc with his whole system. He has reversed out all the medication changes the doctors and PD specialist nurse have made about 2 months ago and added 0.5 mg clonazapam split 1/4, 1/4 and half before bed and added 1/2 an extra tablet of rapid madopar before bed and he is back to his previous state of a few months ago movement wise, no more constipation so back off the laxatives, and feeling calmer. All despite having a bout of covid about 3 weeks ago.
I just had CT for similar reasons. The dye is hard on the kidneys which have to excrete it. They did a kidney function test before they gave it to me. DX diverticulosis with gall stones. My GI recommended Miralax also. With prunes and high fiber diet it comes and goes.
We got a puppy that can trot along with me as fast as I can walk1.5 - 2.5 miles, lots of water, vitamin C amd magnesium or green juice and I now go every day. bear checck this video out, one of the most useful ive sen regarding digestive issues with PD. hope it helps
I dealt with contrast media)dye) for 25 years. The risk is very low especially with the low dose the CT machines currently use. Very uncommon to even get one hive or nausea. The more nervous you are the greater chance of nausea, but that’s not the dye but nerves. If you are a diabetic let the radiologist know, but again very uncommon for anything
Thank you very much! Makes me feel a little more easy. Appreciate your help!
I was just told on Friday but there's a shortage of contrast . They're now going to use barium 4 the contrast. Is that better or worse? Thank you b tu m a 6. I hope you are doing well
If they are using dye, make darn sure you hydrate the heck out of yourself before you arrive and just before you go in. Otherwise, kidney damage is almost inevitable. It almost killed my wife.