Hello everyone,
About 40 people signed up to receive the protocol and updates as the program progressed. Some found the protocol a bit complicated to follow and several modifications were made. Due to the need to buy the right seeds and some specific equipment, the program only really got going in late October 2020. The protocol very clearly stated starting at a low dose of 0.5g ground seed powder per day which could be slowly increased each week and to monitor symptoms each week according to an extensive list of symptoms presented in random order. Participants were asked to attribute a grade to each symptom based on a simple 4 grade scale from 0 to 3, where 0 = absent or insignificant, 3 = Very severe or handicapping. The aim was to identify a few symptoms that that changed a lot rather than many that changed only a little. Participants were also asked to report any adverse effects, no matter how small and to pause the program and subsequently reduce or stop the dose. As soon as any symptom improvement was noted, the dose was blocked at that dose.
As of 31/12/20, a total of 8 participants had completed the 6-week program satisfactorily. A few more are still in progress. We do not know how many started, but we know there were several drop-outs due either to non- compliance and overdosing or to adverse effects ( worsening of symptoms or digestive problems).
We have made a provisional analysis of the results based on these 8 completed data sheets.
I wish to say a special thank you to the 8 participants for completing the whole process, buying the necessary equipment and trying very hard to stick to the niggling details of the protocol.
The primary objective to identify any high incidence symptoms that responded early to treatment was achieved. These symptoms were clearly identified and at the same time other symptoms were identified as being resistant. I don't want to give details at this stage in order not to influence those who started later and have not yet had time to complete and return their forms. 3 symptoms with zero or low incidence were removed from the analysis. The major trend is that the high incidence, high responding symptoms can all be grouped as "non-motor symptoms" and the those that resisted were clearly grouped as "motor symptoms".
The cumulative score over the 8 participants of the highest scoring non-motor symptom was reduced from baseline by 90%. 8 non-motor symptoms were reduced substantially.
The 2 highest incidence motor symptoms were unchanged. Out of 15 motor symptoms, 9 were marginally reduced, 5 were unaltered and 1 was increased.
Provisional results;
Non-motor symptoms: total symptom score at baseline: 70, Score after 6 weeks: 32, Symptom reduction 54,3%
Motor symptoms: total symptom score at baseline: 81, Score after 6 weeks: 69, Symptom reduction 14.8%
For non-motor symptoms, the cumulative symptom reduction was almost linear over the entire 6 weeks.
Of the 8 participants, 5 were ieadily dentified as high responders. Their results were very similar throughout. They appear to be a homogeneous group. The other 3 were also a homogenous group of non-respomders. Their scores were essentially unchanged over the 6 weeks. I wish to thank them particularly for persevering to finish the program even though they knew it was not working for them. This information is very important. We now have to find out why they did not respond when others did.
This distinction into 2 groups of participants, good responders and non responders and into 2 groups of symptoms, responding non- motor and non-responding motor is undeniable. It's black and white.
More to follow....