Right side leg and forearm numbness in nerve feels tight on top of arm where nerve lines up with thumb, ever since nerve test was done,test seems to have aggravated my carpal tunnel. I've had this feeling in my right leg for about 6 months, it was giving out in the morning and that's when they started me on ER 50/200 so I would still have dopamine, so now I dont have it. Maybe it's lack dopamine, left side just doesn't do that just Dystonia walking on toes when no dopamine off time. I'm sitting in the sun and my nerve in my arm kinda hurts. Do I have a nerve problem. Drs. Office said The nerve test does cause any problems, I'm not blaming them and they get defensive about. I just want to figure this out , I don't want nerve damaging from lack of circulation.
Right side leg feels numb and wants to gi... - Cure Parkinson's
Right side leg feels numb and wants to give out, and when I exercise it feels numb. Is this part of Parkinsons, I never had that on my left

A nerve test usually tells them if you have peripheral neuropathy which is related to PD.
Hi. Could it be arthritis? I had a scintigraphy done about a year ago which shows I have arthritis and inflammation caused by it in almost every joint in my body. My legs and hips tend to give out at times and I have horrendous trapped nerve problems especially in both my shoulders. The shoulders are definitely arthritis related and affect my arms all the way from my shoulders to my fingers. I would ask your doctor to check if you have musculo-skeletal problems or see a rhuematologist and get some scans and X-rays done before taking more PD meds. The best help I get for my shoulders is physio done by someone who really understands the alignments of joints and can work on correcting the problems. You may not have pain there all the time but it will come eventually if you don't tackle the problem. I'd certainly check out arthritis and joint problems.