Does anyone have difficulty getting in and out of bed?
does anyone have difficulty getting in an... - Cure Parkinson's
does anyone have difficulty getting in and out of bed

Did before high dose thiamine hcl
Yes, I find a bed rope ladder very helpful, easy to purchase on the website.
My late husband had difficulty.The method we found to work best for him was to face the side of bed ,get in on his knees,and then fall over onto his back- with help.
I use a stand support that has 2 legs on the floor with 2 slides that go between the two mattresses, a bed ladder and a trapeze bar...the trapeze bar is most helpful.
I have purchased a partial bed rail about 2 feet long. The base tucks between the box spring and mattress. It gives me something to hold on to as I sit or fall forward onto the bed. I am slightly shorter than 4’ 10” which doesn’t help. Having the rail helps. Prior to my parkinsonism I had no problems.
I find it very difficult to get out of bed. The place I fall asleep is the place I wake up. So, I am really stiff in the morning in need of my medicine. It feels like I am in quicksand. I had no problems prior to PD. I like the idea of a bed rope. I will be looking into that idea. Has anyone tried the sleep number adjustable bed and base for this issue?
I have a bed bar which helps me lever myself into bed and also get myself out if I need to in the night. We take it away on holiday with us too.