I am reading that functional neurology can help parkinson by simulating weak nerve path. Has anybody in ontario/canada try ‘functional neurology & vestibular center’ in burlington or Dr Jay burness chiropractor neurology in oakville?
I am reading that functional neurology can help parkinson by simulating weak nerve path. Has anybody in ontario/canada try ‘functional neurology & vestibular center’ in burlington or Dr Jay burness chiropractor neurology in oakville?
haven't been there, but my dad did improve a lot doing simple exercises recommended by the functional neurologist... highly recommend this as a very good supplement to traditional Western Medicine...
Who is your dad’s functional neurologist? Is he/she in toronto?
Dr. Michael Allen in Laguna Hills, CA... sorry, not so close to you..
He improved my dad's slouching/walking in one session.. pretty amazing...
He authored this book as well..
Good luck!
Thanks for this comment. I just ordered a book of his off Amazon and will read it. It is great to have effective practitioners to look to, a multi-pronged approach to all things is best. I had never heard of him before. I see he also has a lot to say about nutrition. I have a Skype appointment with Dr. Mischley booked for December. So many great experts to learn from.
I did extensive Functional Neurology around the time that I was DXd in November 2014. I found the recommended eye exercises actually did improve my health in a way that PD had to fight harder to continue taking over my body.
I learned two major facts.
1. I would need to spend over 8 hours per day doing my exercise assignments.
2. As PD advanced and medication became necessary, my body did not have enough strength to do the exercises to fend off the PD.
For these two reasons I did not continue the treatment.
Have you tried something that does have an effect on the progression of Pd and it does not cost anything? The fact that it does not cost anything is the reason why you may not have heard about it. If you go to my website, which costs nothing, and read some of the articles on WALKING and get hold of me so that I can send you a lot more information. reverseparkinsons.net
John Pepper, this just came to me. Perhaps you should rename your program as FUNCTIONAL SPEEDWALKING. What do you think about that?
I’d love to do speed walking but I have constant dystonia in my ankle. Do you have a solution for that John Pepper?
Hi Trixidee. Can you explain what you mean by dystonia in your ankle? I have dystonia in my toes! They curl up when I am standing in line, or at the sink or at the urinal. Everywhere I stand my toes curl up. All I have to do is consciously straighten them out and put my weight on them so that they can't curl up.
My ankle is permanently supinated (google it if you want a pic) and I twist it often if I walk for any distance. I can’t put weight on the ball of my foot as the muscles are so weak and the inside of my ankle is really tight. I’ve tried so many ankle supports but nothing helps.
Excuse me for asking what might appear to be a stupid question: Can you not consciously twist the foot inwards, with the foot in the air?
Yes but when it comes to weight bearing I can’t.
Do you mean that the moment you put your weight on it the foot pronates? Is that possible? If you mean that you are trying to get your foot from being in a pronated state while you are standing on it, then surely you cam lift you foot off the ground, hold it in a pronated position or straight and then stand on it?
My ankle collapses outwards when putting weight on it. I can stand still and put pressure on the inside of my foot if I concentrate hard but I couldn’t walk more than a couple of steps without my foot pronating again.
Hi Trixiedee. Experience tells me that in order to build up muscle strength, which I think is your problem, you have to practice doing what does not work, which should work. In other words, practice the walking, even if it is only for a minute, every day until that minute turns into two, and then three etc. Give it your best Trixiedee, it is the only hope you have!
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