Article that appeared in the BUSINESS SECTION of the LOS ANGELES TIMES.
Parkinson's related to a gene called LRRK2 - Cure Parkinson's
Parkinson's related to a gene called LRRK2
I think that gene accounts for a relatively small percentage of Parkinson's cases, but this is interesting. I did 23 and Me genetic testing and learned that I do not carry that gene.
same with my son, AFTER having been DX with PD (that's how he got to enroll in 23andMe for free). Three years later he got re-dx with PSP.
I'm very sorry to learn about your son's death. I read your story and saw his picture. He seems like a wonderful son and person.
He was, and thank you for your compassionate and kind words.
For what it's worth, Jimcaster, I think that a variety of neurological disorders are lumped under PD. My dad had double vision and dystonia of the neck and he lived to 92.....both the double vision and the dystonia stayed with him, but I believe because of the supplements that his general practitioner started my dad on, it stopped the progression. I think those who have confidence (like you) in their choices of treatment and are willing to step outside the NEURO's box will stay on the side of health...........
Science of Parkinson's has a new post up about LRRK2 and how it may be significant to non carriers of the mutation.