Hi all, followed cons10s here after our long time on "My Parkinson's Team, which is a site filled with wonderful people; but is a Site that's hard to maneuver in, and very hard to track fellow Parkies. Looking forward to sharing our experiences.....Glen
Newbie here; not a Parky Newbie, though! - Cure Parkinson's
Newbie here; not a Parky Newbie, though!

Welcome to the forum!
share your experience, fill in your Profile, please
Hi, Glen. I’m from the MyParkinsonsTeam board also. Not leaving there... Just discovered this & thought I’d check it out.
Hi Glen. Welcome to this site. I am one of the very few people, who has been able to overcome many of my Pd symptoms and come off all my Pd medication. I have lived without Pd medication since 2002. I am now 83 years of age and live a NORMAL LIFE again. You don't need to buy anything or take any dangerous medication to achieve this result. If you look at my profile or contact me via my website - reverseparkinsons.net and I will tell you how to go about doing this AT NO COST! It is not a scam and there are no hidden costs. Many people have the audacity to claim that I don't have Pd and never had. They do this without ever having met or examined me. How professional is that? After all, who would want us to come off Pd medication? who would want us to get better, if we are spending a fortune on medication? The answer to those two questions is ANYBODY WITH PD!
I cannot claim that you will definitely get better, because we are all different, but if you are willing to put in the exercise, even though , at this stage, you think you are no longer capable of doing any exercise, you will be very surprised. I had given up on everything in 1994 but thanks to my late wife, who begged me to start doing the walking, I would not be around now to tell people of my story.
It is entirely up to you!
Welcome to the PD forum Glen.
Welcome Glen! You will find support and lots of useful information here!
Welcome! Glad to have you aboard!