Opinions for tremor
Artane: Opinions for tremor - Cure Parkinson's

Terry brand of glutathione...
Apparently so:
Artane alters unusual nerve impulses and relaxes stiff muscles.Artane is used to treat the stiffness, tremors, spasms, and poor muscle control of Parkinson's disease.
But: Between 30% and 50% of all patients experience minor side effects (dry mouth, nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, nervousness)
Hi , I think you have seen my poset.It will tell you] I been through a lot. So I feel I am qualified to give you some advise .With all du respect to the person with the hand tremor , I would not take her advise , for the reason she was not even diagnosed , yes she has a hand tremor ,it may not have anything to do with PD , she may had some minor hand injury and the hand is weak when she tries to use ii and it starts shaking.Another sine is ,the meds don't work on her. That is the only sure way you can be diagnosed. There is not any other sure test. Or maybe now PETA scan. Your tremor is still there because you not getting enough meds.The Dr incense it slowly, because the site effects.IE the nausea. When they started me it was so bad I lost 60 lbs . I was so nauseous , I could hardly keep my head up. I ate and rite away after I went to bed ,lay on R site and and pray I don't throw up. My husband would have both me manna from heaven , if it would help me, He worried about me loosing so much wait , in such a short time and me being so sick . Now it's over and some time I wish for little nausea to stop me from eating . Ha Ha Ha , just a little lame joke . The natural items, you can by in heath food stores or on line. I use Swanson health products or from GN
GNC. They have reasonable prices and great discount . I am not there representative just a costumer. The Pot or MJ you can by in brownies or other bake goods ,it may be easier to take it. Oh the natural stuff , no one is sure haw much to take , my near sad its hard to estimate. It's a trial and error situation , you slowly increase the douse until you get + result . Then you take it like that until it stops working , then you start all over again.
I hope this helps , I apologies the lady or gentleman whom you had the the ongoing conversation with. Did not meant any disrespect. Maja
Sorry fur misspellings , first PET scan not PETA, 2 is neuro not a near
Oh yes ,the reason I started writing to you 100mg is 1/10 th of a gram , so if one pill is 100 mg you ned all together 10 -100mg pills to make 1 Gm.
10 = 100mg= 1 Gm
Good luck. Maja