Does this mean it's safe at 500 mg. X 3 a day?
Inosine: Does this mean it's safe at 500 mg... - Cure Parkinson's

The study has found that Inosine is tolerated at a dose as high as 500x2 capsules, 3 times a day, which I take to be 3,000 and I I take that amount without ill effect although my ankles swell slightly but that could be anything. I think you have to be vigilant in looking out for signs of gout/kidney stones but I really think Inosine is worth taking - I've been doing it for more than a year.
I'd be interested to know how you source it Beckey. It's the one supplement I find hard to get. I'm in the uk and can't get it over the counter and even mail order is difficult. I get it on eBay but as I said, surprisingly difficult.
Did you start low and titrate up to your current dose?
Can you order it online from a U.S. distributor?
Stevie, have you considered entering an inosine trial? You are not eliminated if you are taking supplements but they may ask you to quit taking a supplement if it interferes with or has a contraindication for a supplement. Example, I am eligible for Inosine trial and they know I take NAC.
I would if I could find one in the uk. Do you know of any?
It is spearheaded out of Mass General, a Harvard affiliate, and running all over the US so I imagined it would run in the UK but try reaching out to this person: Contacts
Contact: Sheehan F Wheeler
Fingers crossed!
What would you suggest for a beginning dose?
I started with 500mg twice a day.
I have been self medicating in parallel with the national PD Inosine trial. You should look this up on the internet. The earlier small experiments performed by Mass Gen in Boston were very promising, and now they are orchestrating a much larger study across numerous US medical systems.
It is believed that elevated urate levels are neuron protective.
The double-blind national study that began last fall has one control group and three experimental groups, taking 1G, 2G and 3G of Inosine daily. The target urate level for this experiment is somewhere between 7 and 8.The study also recommends supplementing each G of Inosine with about 100 mg of Potassium Citrate to help prevent gout and stones from elevated urate levels, which were shown to be minor risks in the earlier studies.
I started with a 1G dosage last June, shifted to 1.5G in October and now am at a daily dosage of 2G and have had no negative side effects. My urate level had been elevated from 6.3 to 8.1 thru the 1.5G dosage. Haven't done a blood test to see if further elevation accrued since the shift to a 2G dosage. Will soon move to a 2.5G dosage.
Hope this helps.
I don't have time to do this as thoroughly as might like but elevating urate is dangerous. From the P2 "Inosine to Increase Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid Urate
in Parkinson Disease": "Participants were randomized to 1 of 3 treatment arms: placebo or inosine
titrated to produce mild (6.1-7.0 mg/dL) or moderate (7.1-8.0 mg/dL) serum urate elevation using 500-mg capsules taken orally up to 2 capsules 3 times per day"
From a study of stroke "Serum Uric Acid Is a Strong Predictor of Stroke in
Patients With Non–Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus" due to elevated urate: "The incidence of stroke increased
significantly by quartiles of serum uric acid levels (P<.001). High uric acid level (above the median value of 295 umol/L) was significantly associated with the risk of fatal and nonfatal stroke by Cox regression analysis (hazard ratio, 1.93 [1.30 to 2.86]; P<.001). This association remained statistically significant even after adjustment for all cardiovascular risk factors (hazard ratio, 1.91 [1.24 to 2.94[; P<.003).
295 umol/L = 5 mg/dl.
In other words, urate levels less than those aimed for in the P2 PD study were strongly predictive of increased incidence of stroke in the studied population. There are a number of other studies with similar results for CV risk and kidney risk.
Sounds like you're not an inosine advocate ... ?
Is there nothing that mitigates the elevated urate?
I have not researched that, Beckey, so don't know.
Getting great results now practicing Qigong after attending retreat with Mingtong. Will write it up when I get a chance.
Beckey the trial will raise your inosine to a target level, how much inosine you take depends on where your current urate level. So you don't get your urate levels too high because they monitor urate and adjust inosine appropriately. I highly recommend a trial for this, you would be tested accurately and monitored at no cost and may even get paid.
The results of the Phase II trial was that Inosine was safe with the patient receiving monitoring of serum urate and urine PH. In the Phase II study, there was a dramatic slowing of PD progression in the two groups that received Inosine as opposed to the placebo group. In fact, over the course of the two year study, the increase in total PD score for the placebo group was about 13 as opposed to about 2 1/2 for the "moderate" Inosine group