hey fellow shaky peeps. i bet you thought i died or hope maybe. well no actually got so good news i finally got my social security back with out the help of micheal j fox i might add. so feeling pretty good ,, fishing alot of tournaments picked up a new boat fixng that up as we speak.. well sorry its been so long
I am back: hey fellow shaky peeps. i bet... - Cure Parkinson's
I am back

Call it intuition or maybe a wild guess but you don't live in Scotland, do you?
No sir . what gave it away m,y bad grammar..... i am from florida but ,my father was english and my mother is all irish...if that counts for any thing.
Hi Capt. What stage are you in? Did they stop the SS because of the DBS?How did MJ help you get it back?
lol mj didnt i wrote a blog that piss off a lot of people .. i had pd since 2000, and actually the dbs helped the situation.
Welcome back and that's great news about SS. Where do you live in Florida? I'm in Sarasota
Good News about SS!
glad to hear yo got it - I'm in the process of applying for Sco Sec disability - if I could fill out these forms, maybe I wouldn't need it!
Steve, you got to admit that the Fox foundation helping you get your SS back is really ironic. After remembering some of your posts I am soooo laughing right now!!!!
Stay positive brother and I am so glad you are well. How are the kids doing?
GOOD DAY ALL...........isn't SS a mind-boggling nightmare??? Got my disability approval first time out but never received notification in writing, feel as if the system penalized me for having worked 1st 4 months of yr before I retired----held back 2 full months of benefits based on their speculations of what my earned income for 2011 would be------now have to get all communications together along with W2 forms, take a day out of my not so busy schedule which will exhaust me anyways to see --since they were wrong-- if I will get back any of the funds they took, get an explanation of why it seems I pd more for medicare monthly and why the figure they quoted in my proof of income letter does not match the direct deposits on my bank statements-----------anyone got an opinion of how this will play out when I visit local office on the 28th???? Hope I am not wasting my time but feel they at least owe me a clearer explanation of what the heck was going on last year----my introduction year!!!!