The walking sessions met the definition of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, with the average walking speed approximately 2.9 miles per hour ....45-minute sessions of moderate intensity walking, three times a week....
The researchers found that the brisk walking sessions resulted in the following improvements:
◾Motor function and mood: 15% improvement
◾ Attention/response control: 14% improvement
◾Tiredness: 11% reduction
◾Aerobic fitness and gait speed: 7% increase.
In the motor functioning tests, there was an average improvement of 2.8 points among the participants, a score that is deemed to be a clinically important difference.
Study author Dr. Ergun Y. Uc, of the University of Iowa in Iowa City and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center of Iowa City, says that results suggest "walking may provide a safe and easily accessible way of improving the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and quality of life."