Thinking of asking if hubby can have DaTscan, anyone had one,dx pd 30yrs.
Scan: Thinking of asking if hubby can have... - Cure Parkinson's

I had one iin 09 after 7 years of roller coaster symptoms. It's easy to do. It confirms substantial nigra degradation.
I had one about 5 years ago it's a simple procedure. They inject a radioactive dye into you and 3 hours later they do the scan which is a bit like an MRI scan exept yup don't go in a tunnel.
Do you doubt he has Parkinson's?
yes Scan, I had a Datscan when I was first diagnosed 12 years go - the procedure was simple - a pill to switch off your Thyroid, then the scan (during which I fell asleep) the n a pill to switch back on your thyroid
Kind regards
Yes had one and it showed the dopamine. It was fine. You have to wait a few hours though after they give you an injection.
It is great to hear people talking about how easy it is since I'm scheduled to have one Friday! You've decreased my tension level to the tune of about 100 percent.
I cannot have a MRI because of the closeness but the Dat Scan was a breeze and let us know exactly how I stood....
After 30 years? What do you hope to find out.
Patients are injected with a radioactive dye which travels to the brain and is picked up on a screen by a camera called SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomographic imaging).