Like most major diseases, PD has an awareness month, which is April. Is there a symbol or color associated with it as with breast cancer?
PD awareness : Like most major diseases, PD... - Cure Parkinson's
PD awareness

No but I think turquoise
is a good colour and is the colour of the Parkinson's site etc
lol Jill
Here in the UK, we used to have the James Parkinson's Tulip for our symbol, as do many other Parkinson's groups around the world, but in the Parkinson's UK rebranding exercise a few years ago that was one of the babies thrown out with the bath water. Shame. I don't want to wear a badge with a slogan on it and I'm quite sure nobody wants to buy them. However, the daffodils, forget-me-nots and other recognisable symbols sell well each year for other charities.
This year, the theme of Parkinson's Awareness week in April was, "Put yourself in my shoes." It would be good to follow up that with a variety of shoe shaped badges which could be collected and thus raise money.
What does any body else think?
Soup, sounds good to me.
Purple is a good choice. We sell paper Tulips in April for PD Awareness month. I also have a pin that states "Ask me about Parkinson's"
Grey is the original color for Parkinson's Disease , but most people think grey is dreary and depressing. The color was determined many years ago. Most people want it changed to the tulip red and show the symbol. I agree.
I think the turquoise used by Parkinson's UK is very distinctive, but I have noticed more organisations using it so it could become confusing I liked the pink tulip symbol, and still wear my tulip badge, I'm not keen on the ones with slogans, as they are quite small for others to read, and don't say what they are for. They have brought out a new one, which says "I have Parkinson's, please give me time" I have mixed feelings about it, as it might be helpful when I'm struggling with my change and the cashier starts serving the next person, but I don't particularly want to advertise it. In the US and other countries, April is Parkinson's Awareness Month, but in the UK, it's only a week in April. A month might have more impact.