Haave any Parkinson folks experienced swe... - Cure Parkinson's
Haave any Parkinson folks experienced swelling hands and feet? Or 'perhaps a wicked backache?

I have swollen feet and a bad backache. I just was released from 6 weeks in a rehab hospital with stronger arm and shoulder muscles but with severe pain in my lumbar area when I walk (with a walker). I have scoliosis. I have no problem with swollen hands.
Yes, Yes, and Yes! The doctor claims it is from years of mediation plus the Parkinson's and whatever else you have, Not only do my hands and feet swell but they hurt like crazy too!
All 3 !My feet and ankles bother me the most, sometimes it hurts to even stand. My back is getting worse too.
Yes. And it`s because of the medisines
I agree with everybody, after a year of complaining to my doctor about my back thay finally agreed to scan me. They now tell me I have osteoporosis in my back, they pain is escrutiating at times and I can't stand or walk for very long before almost collapsing. Ive also just been called back into the GP cos my bloods indicate mild liver problem....all the meds!!!! Crap innit?
Yes I have the lower back pain which is getting worse and my hands and feet have just recently been swelling, but my legs hurt real bad also. Its like everything from the waist down is shot. plus i've been getting alot more cramping. I drink alot of water to help the cramping but dpesnt seem to help. The pain is really driving me nuts, makes for sleeping very difficult as well as anything else.....walking standing you name it
Hands and feet deformed from arthritis. Back painful and curved from scoliosis and degenerative arthritis. Neck pretty painful at times...(sticks out "like a turtle.")....had my thyroid taken out because if cancer. Never associated it with the PD before. I just thought that I "cornered the market" when it came to inheriting all the "negative genes" in my family.
My neck is bad to but because it sticks out like a turle it causes terrible pain in my mid to upper back. Having tigger injections to see if that helps. Also, going to start working with a personal trainer on Monday concentrating on my neck, posture and core strength.
I take no medicines...its lack of circulation from stiff ankles. Im trying to circle and stretch, curl toes, spread toes out and massage them. Best thing i find is having a footbath before going to bed and sleeping with my feet a bit raised. But keep pampering your feet..reflexology. Book im reading goes on about foot problems // injuriescausing pd...she got better...dr janice walton hadlock...google her!
Hi..yes my hands swell and they sometimes lock for a few seconds quite painful. Also my feet swell. sometimes I have to wear size 8 shoe as opposed to 7. Trouble is if I'm out the swelling can go down as quickly and I'm left trying to keep the shoes on. !..don't get as much back ache but get sharp pains in the calves of my legs . my knee and hip hurts due to my left leg muscles twisting round and round does anyone experience that..
yes I do. My left foot twists and pulls everything with it.
when swelling goes down, do you then have to pee like mad?
havn't noticed the peeing bit but i must watch out for it. interesting that you have that twisting too. i have it from the foot to the top of my leg the muscles are getting bigger and bigger from all the movement. I have to say this is a great website. My parkinson nurse recommended it to me and i feel very comfortable with it. thanks everyone for your friendliness and your responses.
Hi...Hope you are feeling better. This is only to inform anyone who has these symptoms of what I went through, just in the far out chance it might help someone. I have had back trouble for at least 4 yrs. It started soon after dx. My back started to bend when I walked. Couldn't seem to straighten up. Got worse but only when walking. This is important...it was fine sitting or laying down..no pain. Asked neouro. and prim. care. Got nowhere. Went to chiro. and massage. Getting worse. Felt like I was pushing against a brick wall. Could NOT stand up and back was paying the price. They all said it was muscles .Why? I did not do anything to screw up my abd. muscles. Had MRI. Saw pain spec. By this time I am bent over to my knees when I walk. Must use walker. AHA! Comes a PD specialist/Movement Disorder specialist. I had been having wicked stomach pain..He removed 4 yrs. of pain & agony in one day(prescription that took care of stomach) and told me what I had already been following on online site. It is called "Camptocormia"...It is more than just the PD stoop. Not common. Don't seem to get tremors. Only good thing about it.Take meds for pain..don't walk very much..can't stand straight unless forced or have something to lean on.Husband does most around house. Extremely frustrating but at least have an answer. Do get swollen feet Have got to lose weight. Sorry so long but when I hear backache and PD just want to let you know what I know. It might help one person.Don't mean to put anyone on the wrong track.
I have the swelling in my hands and feet too and it seems to be getting worse. Did not know if it was from the arthritis or the Parkinson's. Always something new to deal with, huh?
Yes for sure. Everyday brings something different.
Yes, I have both. My daughter is a pharmacist and has said that swelling is one of the side affects of the drug Amantadine.
Requip/Repinerole will have the same effect! We have to remember that for every action(drug) there is a reaction! Less is more. Titrate yourself down to as little medication as needed to be comfortable between on.off periods. (because we all get them)
Yes to pain, yes to swelling and yes to 'What Next'. I'm all for 'Life is full of surprises' but outsmarting Pd is no easy task alongside arthritis, osteoporosis and all the other 'joys' of getting older. Having read all your posts, just felt like putting my woes in writing . The reality is that I just get on with managing my life as best I can and I suspect most of you do too. Its good to have you all here.
A lot of this is due to being limited in our range of movements, and thus retaining fluid in hands and lower legs, ensuring we move more, and more regularly, and don't sit much can help. If you have been on PD meds for a long time it would also be worth getting B12 levels checked, as they can cause you not to store B12 well. If you are in the low range of normal or below shots could help, but talk to your doctor about it. A 'gloves and socks' effect is not uncommon with this. But mostly to avoid this keep moving, it is a must for us, and I say this knowing that I have not always done what I need to do, and now have legs that I am not proud of......
my husband's first symptoms, prior to the tremor, was swollen, red and sometimes blue hands. A couple years after diagnosis his feet started to swell, esp. in the leg where he'd
had surgery.
Walking helps to move the blood back to the torso. That's true for everyone. Exercise is the best medicine.
YES swelling and back pain, but now I get relief. Please read my blog on Coconut Oil.
Yes to all questions. Fluid retention in ankles and wrists with horrid low back pain. Have just started acupuncture and massage. Absolute bliss for half an hour following treatment but reality set in soon after and the pain just as bad. Cannot spend time just 'window shopping'. Have to purchase what is needed and leave for home. Rome wasn't built in a day and I will persevere with the treatment. Acupuncture has worked in another way and that is : my bladder has firmed and no longer gives way on standing from a sitting position. This is a godsend.

Acupuncture helped with the bladder? I'll have to check it out.