Hello fellow parkies, well the weekend is finally here YAY!! It`s time to Partaaaaay!! Here`s hoping everybody has a great time....oh and dont forget Sat night 8pm whatever your timezone, take a pic of yourself having a blast and post it on here, we can compare on Monday!! lol........what comes before part b?....PART A...let me hear ya say Yeeaahhhh!! lol
I`TS THE WEEKEND........LET`S PARTAAAAYYY... - Cure Parkinson's

Hi Andy,
You got to take it easy , not two nights in a row , cant wait for the dancing to start, should be a laugh , firts up shake rattel and roll, followed by the samba, a wee bit of a rumba and round of with the Gay Gordons
take care dont get too drunk to night, as for my self iam saving it all for tommorow
Cheers mate
Hi Al
Its just gonna be a takeaway and several beers tonight me thinks....love your train of thought tho mate......Enjoy!
p.s. join me on facebook? I`m on as Andy Clegg I`m in Sheffield and my profile pic is same as on here
I came off face book a few week ago , but i will reactivate it and ad you
ok andy and all you party people i found out how to put a picture up hope everyone has a good day looking forword to talking to all of you party on bob
Party on dudes