I am.new to this community but hope my e... - Crohn's & Colitis

Crohn's & Colitis

I am.new to this community but hope my experiences may help others hope I'm in the right place.

Lesleyann421 profile image
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Hi everyone I have suffered from crons disease for 26 years and I am still learning daily about different treatments.

Things that I can eat and can not eat.

They say that crons and colitis is on the increase people suffering and not really knowing what they are suffering and why.

Crons disease can kill if it's not managed properly.

The disease has no cure.

It is said to be genetic sometimes skipping a generation.

The medication that are given to help deal with the disease can sometimes out weigh the benefits themselves causing major problems later on in life.

If you don't know crons disease can start from the eyes leading straight down the mucus track to the bottom it's a unpleasant disease and not always something that people want to talk about often people feel ambarrased and ashamed.

I have had bald patches of hair falling out on 3 occasions mine was at the back lucky for me but having long hair it took a long time to grow back.

It too the doctors 12 months to diagnose what was wrong with me the pain was so severe it caused siatica down my right side I had to lift my right leg in and out of the car.

I walked around with a hot water bottle strapped to my stomach and one strapped to my back the pain wouldn't go the doctors didn't know what was wrong so they gave me paracetamol it didn't work.

The worse thing was the need for the toilet anything from 15 times a day upwards the cramps and sweats that comes with it. The extreme tiredness the initial thought that I had cancer as no one knew what was wrong it lingers at the back of your mind chipping away. Depression. No sleep.

Stress seams to be a trigger for starting flare ups off as well as certain foods.

Spicy foods can make you really poorly well it does in my case.

I have found the worse foods that irritate my crons is:-

Pure orange juice

Red Bull

Baked beans







Red meat

Crusty bread part baked.

These are just a few items that make me personally ill ruffage ie. Veg including sweetcorn and mushrooms are said to be bad but I tolerate these quite well.( I don't eat veg it's yak) however I like raw veg.

I have found that if I am suffering from a bad flare up mashed potatoes. Baked potatoes. Rice pudding. Ready break all help to carm the flare up down.

I suppose when you are glued to the toilet seat nearly every moment of the day.

You get frightened of eating anything.

I have found that I get a terrible craving for sweets. Finding the addiction to lucozade unreal.

The sugar seems to keep your body going we all know too well that it's bad for you.

Prenisolone is one of the main medications used to help control both crons and colitis but the small print that we do not read does say can cause diabetes.

So continual use.....so I guess the high sugar intake and steroids do cause diabetes I now have it after continual use on steroids after 26 years.

I now have to find a new sugar high minus the sugar but I am finding it quite hard often cheating when I am really low and tired with the odd lucozade I crave lucozade like a alcoholic craves alcohol.

I'm at the specialist today the pain in my back is at a 10 now effecting the way I walk I don't know if it's the chrons the endometriosis diabetes anemia wish me luck.

Due to a call centre I haven't seen a specialist in over 4 years they decided I no longer needed one. So I have had to find another and now I havw to drive over 40 miles to see one my appointment is at 2 today wish me luck

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