How well do you feel your condition h... - Crohn's and Colit...
How well do you feel your condition has been managed over the last year? Explain in the comments.
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But why not a cure?
Mum got diagnosed with Lung cancer, she passed away after a short 7 months fight. Very stressful, beyond words.
I am writing on behalf of my sister who suffers from this condition. I only recently went with her to a consultation which SHE had to initiate after being on a major flare since around April. Nothing different was being put in place no change of treatment and she had to wait around 6 weeks for a colonoscopy to be done. I feel this is unacceptable and I am incouraging here to take steps to change here consultant. He has been treating her for more than a year now and still has no rapor with her after all this time. This condition will never go away and I feel it is impurities that you have confidence in your consultant that he is doing EVERYTHING in his power to help you . Not in this case I feel.
I was diagnosed with Crohns over 40 years ago. Whilst still living in the UK I saw a Gastroenterologist every six months. I was weighed a blood test was done. Not ONCE did they talk about diet/lifestyle nor did they test my B12. They knew the Terminal Ileum had been removed - where B12 is metabolised - but not once did they suggest B12 injections/treatment.
My auto-immune thyroid condition was diagnosed when I was 59 here in Crete ( thank you Greece ) - I am now hurtling towards 70. Only now have I learned about B12 deficiency and the seriousness of it being a neurological condition. I had spinal surgery for stenosis when I now think it was B12 Deficiency causing the de-myelination of the spinal cord.
We must learn for ourselves and challenge the Medics at every twist and turn.
A recent colonoscopy here in Crete revealed low grade lesions - a prescription was forthcoming - which I have ignored.
Check out the VitD levels
my fault in the main, since I have been on Azathioprine and not had a regular Steroid boost when a relapse came into view, I do not get the "high" that helped me to get going again, also the damage is now in the area that messes up B12 , so have injections regularly, no-one seems to want to increase them.