Hi. I'm a 75 year old male. My urinary incontence started in 2022. It was infrequent and only occurred overnight. It still only occurs overnight but now it's not infrequent. Last year my urologist introduced me to disposable briefs. I was happy to try them. They helped but now even with the briefs on I am not only wetting my bed (sheets, mattress and blanket) I feel wet above the waist band of the brief and below the bottom of the right leg of the brief. In my lifetime, I've always experienced enormous help in support groups. Does anyone reading this know of any online support group(s) for men experiencing urinary incontinence ? Please share the information you may have. In advance, thank you. I sincerely hope that anyone reading my post is succeeding in their journey for recovery from this health issue as well as any other(s) life has presented you with.
In Search Of Online Support Group(s) - Continence Support
In Search Of Online Support Group(s)

The support group that you are posting on has been very helpful to me.
I am 73. I had prostate cancer, followed by radiation therapy which damaged my bladder. I am incontinent day and night.
I have tried numerous pads and diapers, and finally settled on Prevail. They have a gel technology that turns urine into a solid gel. When I play golf, I use Prevail male guards and change them every two hours (at the end of 9 holes). at night I use Prevail Air Overnight (Carewell) and I stick an eternadry booster pad (Northshore) inside with regular underpants on top.
For prolonged car rides Prevail perf-fit 360 works great
Good luck... you are in good company!
For nighttime use I typically use North Shores mega max brief. I then put on a pair of boxer briefs over the diaper and a Gary Wear active brief diaper cover as the outer layer. This has worked pretty well for me to not have leaks.
I have also recently purchased a pair of Protec briefs that are basically a pair of waterproof shorts that go over the top of your diaper for sleeping. These have worked really well so far.
I had a RALP 4 years ago as a result of prostate cancer. As a side effect of the surgery, I became incontinent. I spent 3 years using diapers, while at the same time doing everything possible to overcome the incontinence. After those 3 unbearable years of living with diapers, my urologist told me my best option was to have an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) installed. I had surgery for that exactly a year ago next week. It was well worth it. I now use a safety pad (one per day) and have gotten over the incontinence. I would suggest taking a look at an AUS and talking to your doctor about it in your case. All the best! (BTW, I am 77 now).