Does anybody here use pin-on cloth diapers and plastic pants to manage their bedwetting?
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Pin-on cloth diapers and plastic pants for managing bedwetting

I used pin on diapers years ago. Occasionally they came unpinned overnight and stabbed me. When I washed them, I did it with pins and all.I now use pull-on, overnight, cloth diapers with plastic pants.
Yes, i found i actually sleep more soundly because of using cloth diapers at night.
I often think about using cloth nappies again as that's what I wore as a child.I was in nappies and plastic pants during the day until I was 6 or 7, then I had a contraption my father thought up of a cloth nappy folded into a narrow strip inside a pair of cotton knickers, they had there side seems cut and where pinned on me, plastic pants over them and another oversized pair of knickers to cover the plastic pants.
I hated these, they meant I could use a toilet if I needed to but I rarely had enough time to pull everything down in time.
I was always glad to get my night nappy on.
I do use pin on cloth nappies on my 8 year SN boy who has incontinent issues both day and night, however mostly I use cloth pocket nappies and waterproof wraps from Snuggleblanks which are made in the UK . They have Velcro so no need for pins, there very absorbent and have internal leak guards, so will contain overnight poo's with ease, never had a leak from these nappies.
Check out the website
I did use pin on diapers years ago, but I have had the pins open up and stabbed me. I switched to pull-on diapers which are much easier to deal with. Still use plastic pants over the diapers.
I’ve used pin on diapers with plastic pants my whole life for nightly bedwetting. Traveling is tough and I’ll normally bring a thin plastic sheet, under the bed sheet to protect friends or hotel beds. I use quality disposables diapers when away from home with a flannel or terry lined plastic pants over them to protect against leaks. At home I can make my cloth diapers as thick as necessary using baby prefolds to whatever works to handle usually more than one flood per night. Disposables leak for me when used overnight.
I use pin on cloth diapers at night, but having a hard time keeping them tight. They have a tendency to slip down. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to solve this problem?
Hi PGD. I've had the same problem from time to time. First, are the diapers the right size. If they're too small it can be too tight and if they're too big they can be too loose and slide down. I'm by no means an expert on this, but one possibility is to try pinning the diapers in different places. For example you can try pinning the diapers higher up on the sides. I use 4 pins - two at the waist and two where the diapers cover the thighs. Please let me know if this helps. As far as plastic pants are concerned I wear the Leakmaster Deluxe pull-on style pants. They're real thick (7 gauge) and they plastic covered elastic waist and leg bands which prevent wicking. I buy them from also known as All Together Enterprises. In fact they're on sale for 15% off until June 3rd. What plastic pants do you use?
Thanks for the reply. My cloth diapers are the right size. I think some of my problem is that I have narrow hips. I found some diaper fasteners called snappi (sp). They come in infant and toddler sizes. The toddler size works fairly well, but a larger size would be nice. I will try the 4 pin suggestion, and see how that works. You can find them on many incontinent supply sites. I use Pul pants from Gary. They are a little more breathable and last a very long time.