With the implant of the InterStim system for fecal incontinence is annal sex possible? What if any complications are there?
Intimacy: With the implant of the... - Continence Support
Hi Pudgie, I don’t think the Foundation has the expertise to answer this question. You may find a more helpful response from Medtronic directly. Below we’ve provided the Medtronic Clinician Services phone number for more guidance.
Medtronic U.S. Clinician Services Phone Number: (800)328-0810
I haven't been intimate with anyone for many years since I'm double IC and always using adult briefs. I cannot get an erection and don't usually touch myself. I get changed often with someone else's help and it's been easier to not get an erection. Many people who have been ic their whole lives have never been sexually active. Besides I know that when men get hard while wearing adult briefs, they tend to leak. My penis falls to the left and have had leaks when side sleeping. I'm up now changing which happens many nights. Bowel movements also happen at night or when I've had breakfast upon rising.