I have fecal incontinence, is there any foods to stay away from?
Incontinence : I have fecal incontinence... - Continence Support
Everybody is different and how your body responds will be different than your neighbor.
But what you eat can affect how soft or hard your stool is. Eating foods that are high in fiber (fresh vegetables, whole grains, etc.) may help add bulk to stools that are too loose or watery. Add extra fiber to your diet slowly to allow your body time to adjust.
If your stool is already well-formed, adding fiber may act as a laxative and make your situation worse. Foods that tend to worsen bowel incontinence, because they speed transit of stool through the bowel, are: coffee, tea and chocolate.
Some people find that spicy foods, onions, citrus, and dairy products cause problems. You may find that eating smaller meals more frequently will help. It is important to include water in your diet to help prevent constipation.
A food diary may help you pinpoint problem foods in your diet. Record everything you eat for at least two weeks and also record your bowel movements to find any patterns where bowel control is more difficult after eating certain foods.
Please be sure to discuss your findings with your healthcare provider and consider together eliminating certain foods from your diet. You'll want to be sure not to remove important vitamins and minerals from your diet, and discuss with your physician when it might be important to take a supplement.
I hope these general thoughts help, and I hope others will add their thoughts and suggestions.