Hello looking for a diaper that keeps wetness away from skin. Im loosing sleep because feeling wet wakes me up. I have a hard time getting back to sleep. I have tried attends extended wear and prevails extended wear. Tranquility atn too. They were the worst for feeling wet.
Dry feeling diapers: Hello looking for a... - Continence Support
Dry feeling diapers
Just a thought, but you might want to get a sample from TENA of their Overnight Underwear, or their nighttime briefs. They claim to leave you feeling dry, and it might be worth a try. You can get a samples kit on the tena.com website or they have immediate online customer care on their website, too, so you can tell them what it is you need help with.
I personally don't like feeling dry, but I can vouch for TENA products - I had bought some and they were too dry for me, so I have switched to other brand, but if dryness is what you really need then they be pretty good. As time goes I personally found that I don't care that much anymore if the diaper is more wet or more dry. It's not an issue anymore for me. What I pay the biggest attention to comfort. As I wear diapers 24/7 I grew used to having a diaper and it's basically became like a part of me. I would feel different if I didn't have one, that's why I found one company that is pretty cheap and comfortable for me - hexa & co and I don't like back as I really stopped caring about it as much. Back in the days I was trying every single brand to have the best "quality" - truth be told it doesn't matter for me that much for me anymore, except for comfort which I still care about. To be honest, I would feel weird if I was dry now
I have tenna samples ordered. Also received samples of abena m4 and confidry 24/7 on friday. I have finally slept though the night. Did have a leak with the confidry even though i did not use all the padding up. I did see on xp medicals site the abena have a faster absorbent rate. So im thinking i surged to fast.
confidry 24/7 feels really soft and dry inside - even when wet, smelly and messy. the new italian brand egosan is also very soft inside and out.