Is it common to develop allergy to other food protein... - CMPA


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Is it common to develop allergy to other food proteins if you are allergic to the cows milk protein?

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I was told that my daughter will have higher chances to develop allergy to other food proteins. Is that true?

1 Reply

Hi Shara, a child with cow milk allergy needs to avoid cow milk and all foods, drinks and formulas derived from cow milk. Cow milk allergic children may develop allergic reactions to other foods proteins (allergens) too. This is thought to be most likely in the first six months of life because of the immaturity of the gut and immune system in young babies. But many many babies after the 6-9 months don't develop any allergies at all. My son is now 15 months and although still very sensitive to some foods, I would say that he is now not allergic to them.

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